Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The 2016 Computer&#8211;Aided Verification (CAV) Workshops provides an<br>opportunity for participants to discuss topics in the broader<br>verification related domains&#046; CAV 2016 Workshops will be held<br>before the main conference on July 17th and 18th&#046;<br>Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Workshop chair along with<br>the program chairs and members of the steering committee&#046; Proposals<br>must consist of the following two parts:<br>&#8211;&#8211; Part I: Technical Information &#8211;&#8211;<br>A short (about 1 page) scientific justification of the proposed<br>topic, its significance and relevance to CAV, and the particular<br>benefits of the workshop to the verification community, as well as a<br>list of previous or related workshops (if relevant)&#046;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Part II: Organizational Information &#8211;&#8211;<br>&#8211; contact information of the workshop organizers&#046;<br>&#8211; identifying a main contact for the workshop (i&#046;e&#046; a workshop chair)&#046;<br>&#8211; the desired length of the workshop, (one or two days)&#046;<br>&#8211; estimate of the audience size&#046;<br>&#8211; proposed format and agenda (for example, demo sessions, tutorials, etc&#046;)<br>&#8211; potential invited speakers&#046;<br>&#8211; procedures for selecting papers and participants&#046;<br>&#8211; plans for dissemination, if any (for example, special issues of<br>journals)&#046;<br>&#8211; special technical, AV, or USB stick needs&#046;<br>&#8211; links to a preliminary website of the workshop and call for<br>papers (if possible)&#046;<br>&#8211; information if workshop has been previously held&#046;<br>