Deadline Paper
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We solicit research papers in areas related to mobility, context and data&#046; The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>Mobile Cloud Computing and Data Management in the Mobile Cloud<br>Data Management for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Networks<br>Semantic Data Management for Mobile Devices/Applications<br>iData Management for Augmented Reality Systems<br>iData Management for Emerging Smart Urban Systems – Connected Cars, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Smart Spaces<br>Mobile Crowd&#8211;Sourcing and Crowd&#8211;Sensing<br>Data management for Next&#8211;Gen Mobile and Ad&#8211;Hoc Networks<br>Data management for Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Systems<br>Mobile Data Analytics<br>Mobile Data and User/Behavioural Understanding<br>Mobile Location&#8211;Based Social Networks<br>Mobile Activity Recognition<br>Mobile Situation Inference<br>Recommendations for Mobile Users<br>Analytics “at&#8211;the&#8211;edge” and on&#8211;board Mobile/Ubiquitous Devices<br>Context&#8211;aware Computing for Intelligent Mobile Services<br>Adaptability of pervasive computing systems<br>Stability of pervasive computing systems<br>Advanced middleware for mobile and pervasive computing<br>Publish/subscribe middleware for mobile data<br>Theoretical foundations of data&#8211;intensive mobile computing<br>Data replication, migration and dissemination in mobile environments<br>Data stream processing in mobile/sensor network<br>Transactions and workflows in mobile environments I<br>indexing, Optimisation and Query Processing for moving objects/users<br>Mobile Trajectory Analytics – Discovery, Next&#8211;Place, and Linking<br>Location&#8211;Based Services<br>Resource advertising and discovery techniques<br>Security and privacy issues for mobile and ubiquitous systems<br>