The workshop is aimed at discussing engineering requirements, upcoming issues and innovative, maybe unconventional approaches related to all aspects of multicore system and application debugging. Position statements, industry needs and experiences, research presentations by experts from industry and academia will provide the required background for fruitful discussions and follow–up activities in the area.<br>The following topics are of particular interest:<br>Debugging of complete systems including low level and application software as well as hardware to meet functional and non–functional requirements<br>Debugging multicore/manycore–specific problems (e.g. races)<br>Reduction of debug complexity by e.g. increasing software abstraction or incremental software development<br>Novel, scalable debugging tools and methodologies for multicores/manycores<br>Hardware support for software debugging<br>Debug for certification<br>Debugging software for timing errors<br>Debugging model–based software<br>Debug–relavant standardization efforts<br>
North Korea
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