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The main target of the East&#8211;West Design &amp; Test Symposium (EWDTS) is to exchange experiences between the scientists and technologies of the Eastern and Western Europe, as well as North America and other parts of the world, in the field of design, design automation and test of electronic systems&#046; The symposium aims at attracting scientists especially from countries around the Black Sea, the Baltic states and Central Asia&#046; We cordially invite you to participate and submit your contribution(s) to EWDTS’16 which covers (but is not limited to) the following topics:<br>Analog, Mixed&#8211;Signal and RF Test<br>Analysis and Optimization<br>ATPG and High&#8211;Level TPG<br>Built&#8211;In Self Test<br>Debug and Diagnosis<br>Defect/Fault Tolerance and Reliability<br>Design for Testability<br>Design Verification and Validation<br>EDA Tools for Design and Test<br>Embedded Software Performance<br>Failure Analysis, Defect and Fault<br>FPGA Test<br>HDL in test and test languages<br>High&#8211;level Synthesis<br>High&#8211;Performance Networks and Systems on a Chip<br>Low&#8211;power Design<br>Memory and Processor Test<br>Modeling &amp; Fault Simulation<br>Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chip Design &amp; Test<br>Modeling and Synthesis of Embedded Systems<br>Object&#8211;Oriented System Specification and Design<br>On&#8211;Line Test<br>Power Issues in Testing<br>Real Time Embedded Systems<br>Reliability of Digital Systems<br>Scan&#8211;Based Techniques<br>Self&#8211;Repair and Reconfigurable Architectures<br>Signal and Information Processing in Radio and Communication Engineering<br>System Level Modeling, Simulation &amp; Test Generation<br>Using UML for Embedded System Specification<br>Optical signals in communication and Information Processing<br>CAD Session:<br>CAD and EDA Tools, Methods and Algorithms<br>Design and Process Engineering<br>Logic, Schematic and System Synthesis<br>Place and Route<br>Thermal, Timing and Electrostatic Analysis of SoCs and Systems on Board<br>Wireless Systems Synthesis<br>Digital Satellite Television<br>