Deadline Paper
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The MASCOTS conference encourages original submissions describing state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research in the areas of the performance evaluation of computer systems and networks networks, as well as in related areas and emerging technologies and new areas such as nano&#8211;networks, social networks, energy networks and the smart grid, the use of Big Data for performance analysis, machine learning techniques for performance analysis and management, and the Cloud&#046; Papers describing results of both theoretical and practical significance are solicited&#046; Measurements and experimental results, and simulation studies are all both in the scope of the conference&#046; Work presenting novel performance evaluation methods or providing insights on the design and runtime management tradeoffs are also encouraged&#046;<br>Broad topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the performance of:<br>Computer architectures, multi&#8211;core processors, and memory systems<br>Computer networks, protocols, and algorithms<br>Nano&#8211;networks<br>Databases and Big Data technologies<br>Big Data for computer and network management<br>Distributed and Cloud computing<br>Energy efficient computer systems<br>Mobile systems<br>Multimedia systems<br>Operating systems and virtualization<br>Smart grids and cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>Social networks<br>Storage and file systems<br>Web systems, enterprise applications and web services<br>Wireless, mobile, ad&#8211;hoc, and sensor networks<br>