Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in electronics, communications engineering and related technologies. Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:<br>I. COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS<br>– Networking: Future Internet/Future Networks, Crowdsourcing, QoS/QoE and Resource Management, Optical Networks; Wireless, Mobile, Ad–hoc and Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Networks and Internet of Things; Social Networking; Cloud, Datacenter and Big Data Networking; Network Security; Energy–Aware Networking in Data Centers and Cloud, Green Wireless Networks.<br>– Communication Systems: Coding and Information Theory and Signal Processing for Communications, UWB, Ultrasonic Communications, Satellite Communications; Radio–over–Fiber, Free Space and Fiber–Optic Communications; Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio; Cooperative Communications, Secured Communication Systems, Multi–antenna Communication Systems; Molecular, Biological and Multi–scale Communications.<br>II.SIGNAL PROCESSING & APPLICATIONS<br>– Image and video: Image, Audio, Video Processing, and Analysis; 3D and Stereo Processing; 3D Scene Analysis and Scene Reconstruction; 3D Computer Vision Systems, Function Imaging.<br>– Signals and Systems: Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis; Computer–Aided Diagnosis; Biomedical Applications in Molecular; Structural, Signal Filtering, Detection and Estimation; Nonlinear and Statistical Signal Processing; Modeling and Reconstruction; Soft Computing.<br>– Applications: PACS and Imaging Informatics; Ambient Intelligence; Image Based Human–Computer Interaction; Virtual Reality.<br>III. MICROWAVE ENGINEERING<br>– Microwave Devices/Components Design and Techniques: Passive, Active components, MEMS, Integration Techniques, Nano–Scale Devices, Millimeter–wave and THz Components, Systems and Applications<br>– Antenna and Propagation: Wideband, Multiband Antennas, Smart Antennas, Digital Beam Forming, MIMO, Antenna Modeling and Measurements, Phased Arrays, Millimeter–Wave antennas, Characterization of propagation channels and channel modeling<br>– EM Field Theory and Simulation Techniques: EM Field Theory, Numerical Techniques, Metamaterials, FSSs, Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures.<br>– Emerging Technologies and Applications: wearable electronics and RF/MMW Technologies for Internet of Things.<br>– Other related technologies and applications.<br>IV. ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS<br>– Analog Circuits: Basic blocks (e.g. Amplifiers, comparators, oscillators…); power control and management circuits, energy–harvesting circuits; digitally–assisted analog circuits.<br>– Digital Circuits: intra–chip communication circuits, soft–error and variation–tolerant circuits; crypto accelerators and hardware security circuits (e.g. PUF); circuits for power management.<br>– Architectures and Systems: microprocessors, micro–controllers, digital baseband signal processors, video and multimedia, embedded systems on FPGAs, system–level power management;<br>– EDA: System Design, Synthesis and Optimization; Formal Methods and Verification.<br>– Application Systems: Communication, Consumer and Multimedia; Medical and Healthcare; Spacecraft Avionics.<br>V. SPECIAL SESSION ON QOE IN NETWORKING<br>Please visit http://www.icce––sessions/ss̵…; SPECIAL SESSION ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR WEARABLES<br>Please visit http://www.icce––sessions/ss̵…; SPECIAL SESSION ON SYSTEM, SYNCHRONIZATION AND SECURITY: THE TRENDS WITH CHAOS AND COMPLEXITY<br>Please visit http://www.icce––sessions/ss̵…; SPECIAL SESSION ON ADVANCES ON PHYSICAL LAYER SECURITY FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS<br>Please visit http://www.icce––sessions/ss̵…; SPECIAL SESSION ON ADVANCED PHOTONIC AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES FOR FUTURE ACCESS NETWORKS<br>Please visit http://www.icce––sessions/special…; SPECIAL SESSION ON FLEXIBLE, PROGRAMMABLE AND ENERGY–EFFICIENT NETWORKING<br>Please visit http://www.icce––sessions/special…;
Ha Long
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