Samos Island
Deadline Paper
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SAMOS is a unique conference&#046; It deals with embedded systems (sort of)<br>but that is not what makes it different&#046; It brings together every year<br>researchers from both academia and industry on the quiet and inspiring<br>northern mountainside of the Mediterranean island of Samos, which in<br>itself is different&#046; But more importantly, it really fosters<br>collaboration rather than competition&#046; Formal and intensive technical<br>sessions are only held in the mornings&#046; A lively panel ends the formal<br>part of the day, and leads nicely into the afternoons and evenings &#8211;&#8211;<br>reserved for informal discussions, good food, and the inviting Aegean<br>Sea&#046; SAMOS has IEEE technical co&#8211;sponsorship by the IEEE CAS Society<br>and the IEEE SSCS Germany Chapter&#046; The conference papers will be<br>published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Xplore and DBLP Database&#046;<br>Authors are invited to submit technical papers in accordance to the<br>author&#8242;s instructions describing original work in either one of the<br>Conference Tracks or one of the Special Sessions&#046;<br>KEYNOTES&#046; The conference keynotes are given by leaders in the field&#046;<br>This year&#8242;s keynotes will be given by ALEX NICOLAU, University of<br>California, Irvine (US) and URI WEISER, Technion &#8211; Israel Institute<br>of Technology (IL)&#046;<br>Technical submissions are invited on original work in one of the<br>following tracks:<br>** The Applications, Systems, Architectures, and Processors Track**<br>This track focuses on advances in systems efficiency in various domains&#046;<br>We seek original contributions describing new architectural and micro<br>architectural techniques aiming to improve performance (e&#046;g&#046; processing<br>throughput or real&#8211;time latency), energy and power efficiency,<br>reliability and dependability of embedded systems&#046; We solicit novel<br>architectures and computing methodologies and solutions for accelerating<br>applications in various embedded domains such as next generation life<br>sciences and medicine, next generation automotive and avionics, next<br>generation learning systems for surveillance and recognition, immersive<br>virtual reality&#046; Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>* Novel Architectures for Accelerators in High Performance Embedded<br>Systems;<br>* Application&#8211;specific and Domain&#8211;specific Embedded Heterogeneous<br>Multicore Systems;<br>* Embedded Reconfigurable Processors;<br>* Software tools, Compilation techniques and optimizations, and Code<br>generation for Reconfigurable Architectures;<br>* Architecture synthesis from Functional Languages Descriptions;<br>* Virtualization and Energy&#8211;aware Secure, Reliable, and High<br>Availability Multi&#8211;core Architectures;<br>* Embedded Parallel Systems and Multiprocessor Systems&#8211;On&#8211;Chip;<br>* Application level Resource Management of Multi&#8211;core Architectures;<br>* Memory Management and Smart Caches for big data;<br>* Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chip, Software Defined Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chips&#046;<br>** The Modeling, Design, and Design Space Exploration Track**<br>This track focuses on all design processes for embedded systems ranging<br>from system&#8211;level specification, design languages, modeling and<br>simulation, performance, power, reliability and thermal estimation and<br>analysis, hardware/software and system synthesis, design and design<br>space exploration methodologies down to hardware and software synthesis<br>and compilation strategies&#046; Topics of interest include (but are not<br>limited to):<br>* Hardware/Software and Algorithm/Architecture Co&#8211;design;<br>* Design Space Exploration Strategies, Algorithms and CAD Tools;<br>* Specification Languages and Models;<br>* System&#8211;Level Design, Simulation, and Verification;<br>* Hardware, Software and System Synthesis Techniques and CAD Tools;<br>* MP&#8211;SoC and Platform Based Design Methodologies;<br>* MP&#8211;SoC Programming, Compilers, Simulation and Mapping Technologies;<br>* Profiling, Measurement and Analysis Techniques and CAD Tools;<br>* (Design for) System Adaptivity;<br>* Testing and Debugging&#046;<br>