“Cloud” is a common metaphor for an Internet accessible infrastructure, hiding most of the implementation and deployment details of the system from users. Cloud computing delivers IT–related capabilities as services over the Internet, allowing resources be managed and accessed in an Internet scale. Cloud computing has been envisaged to be one of the main–stream powering technologies of future IT systems.<br>This symposium focuses on techniques, experiences, applications, and lessons learned for interoperable services in the cloud, particularly in the realms of high performance computing. For instance, HPC may be used for the construction of mathematical models and numerical solutions and techniques for solving scientific, socio–scientific and engineering problems. It often requires a huge number of computing and storage resources to perform large–scale analyses and experiments. Users could get access to their own virtualized HPC cluster in a self–service, dynamically scalable and fully configurable environment. Cloud computing can address many of the aforementioned concerns. Such a computing paradigm shift provides a flexible high performance computing environment.<br>The symposium aims at providing a forum to bring together researchers and scientists to share and exchange cloud computing related research, technologies, experiences, and lessons for building various types clouds with interoperability and coordination capabilities in a high performance and high availability setting.<br>TOPICS<br>The InterCloud–HPC Symposium topics include (but are not limited to) the following:<br>– Middleware Frameworks<br>– Cloud Architectures<br>– Cloud Interoperability and Federation Protocols<br>– Programming Models for HPC Clouds<br>– Semantic Web Services Definitions for Clouds<br>– Directory of Services for Clouds<br>– Management of Interoperability and Federation for Clouds<br>– Interoperable and Federated Cloud Security and Trust<br>– Cloud Interoperability and Federation Governance and Regulatory<br>– HPC Cloud–based Services<br>– QoS/SLA in Interoperable and Federated Clouds<br>– Converged Implementations of Clouds and Grids<br>– Geo–balancing in Interoperable and Federated Clouds<br>– Common Programming Models across Clouds<br>– Cloud Broker, Exchange, Arbitrage architectures<br>– Semantic Web for Clouds<br>– Cloud Protocols<br>– Virtualization Technologies and Techniques<br>– Virtualization Techniques for HPC GPU/Multicore Systems<br>– Management of Clouds<br>– Performance Evaluation and Monitoring of HPC Clouds<br>– Scalable Fault Resilience Techniques for HPC Clouds<br>– Cloud Applications<br>– Experiences and Lessons<br>
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