About the Workshop and Topics<br>Software Engineering Processes and Applications (SEPA: 2015) is aimed to provide a forum to scientists/researchers/engineers/practitioners and academicians to share their ideas, experiences and researches in the field of software engineering process and applications. SEPA 2015 covers all the frontier issues and trends in the modern software development processes. It includes process models, development process for different software platforms (e.g. social networks, cloud), process for adaptive, dependable, embedded, systems, agile development, software engineering practices, requirements, system and design engineering including architectural design, component level design, formal methods, software modeling, testing strategies and tactics, process and product metrics, Web Engineering, project management, risk management, and configuration management. SEPA also invite papers for the development process of the software/software systems in application areas e.g. agriculture, aviation industry, business, cyber–crime, education, government, military etc.<br>
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