St. Petersburg
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Future mobile networks will evolve out of existing wired and wireless networks of different nature by means of convergence, fusion and mutual penetration; next&#8211;generation multimedia services in turn pose new requirements and challenges on treatment of traffic within communication systems &#8211; a certain degree of multilayer co&#8211;operation has to be achieved&#046; This forms a framework on harmonization of results obtained separately in different areas of network research like network performance evaluation, architecture and protocol design, and low layer network design&#046; The conference goal is in the identification, investigation and integration of new algorithms, approaches, architectures, methods and mechanisms to enable proper and efficient operation of a next&#8211;generation IP&#8211;based wireless network&#046; Therefore, wireless networks and systems and their interaction with wired networks and systems shall be widely examined and addressed throughout the conference&#046;<br>The history of NEW2AN dates back to 1993, today it is an established conference featured by proceedings published by Springer LNCS and distinguished keynote speakers&#046;<br>The NEW2AN 2016 will be held in St&#046; Petersburg, Russia &#8211; the meeting point of East and West&#046; Through its stunning architecture and wonderful art galleries and museums, among a number of other attractions, the wealth of history of East and West can be seen and felt in this beautiful city&#046;<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Fundamentals and PHY<br>&#8211; Channel capacity estimation and equalization<br>&#8211; Channel measurement and modeling<br>&#8211; Cognitive and green radio<br>&#8211; Cooperative communications<br>&#8211; Interference mitigation<br>&#8211; Multi&#8211;antenna signal processing<br>&#8211; Physical layer design<br>&#8211; Power efficient communications<br>&#8211; Advanced modulation schemes<br>&#8211; Antennas and beamforming<br>&#8211; Single and multi&#8211;user MIMO<br>&#8211; Source and channel coding<br>&#8211; Vehicular communications<br>MAC design and Cross&#8211;Layering<br>&#8211; Adaptive and cognitive MACs<br>&#8211; Cross&#8211;layer designs involving MAC<br>&#8211; Implementation of testbeds and prototypes<br>&#8211; Information&#8211;theoretical approaches to MAC designs<br>&#8211; Radio resource management, allocation, and scheduling<br>&#8211; Reconfigurable MACs<br>&#8211; Routing and QoS scheduling<br>&#8211; Scheduling algorithms for various systems<br>&#8211; Security issues in MAC designs<br>Fixed, Mobile and Wireless Networks<br>&#8211; Beyond 4G and 5G<br>&#8211; Next&#8211;Generation access networking<br>&#8211; Ad hoc networks<br>&#8211; Body area networks<br>&#8211; Cognitive radio networks<br>&#8211; Congestion, load and admission control<br>&#8211; Future wireless Internet<br>&#8211; Internet of things<br>&#8211; Mobile computing<br>&#8211; Multi&#8211;hop and relay networks<br>&#8211; Future Internet and Next&#8211;Generation Networking Architectures<br>&#8211; Satellite communications<br>&#8211; Smart cities and smart grids<br>&#8211; Vehicular networks<br>&#8211; Wireless sensor networks<br>&#8211; Network virtualization, virtual private networks (VPN), and services<br>&#8211; Network management methodologies and control plane design for Future Internet<br>&#8211; Next generation network provisioning, monitoring, and management of IP services: traffic engineering, and<br>mobility support<br>Services and Applications<br>&#8211; Emerging Internet applications<br>&#8211; Authentication, authorization and accounting<br>&#8211; Context and location&#8211;awareness in pervasive systems<br>&#8211; Cyber&#8211;physical systems and applications<br>&#8211; Emerging wireless and mobile applications<br>&#8211; P2P services for multimedia<br>&#8211; Secure network and service access<br>&#8211; Self&#8211;adaptation on the service layer<br>&#8211; Service discovery and portability<br>&#8211; Service oriented architectures and cloud computing<br>&#8211; User interfaces, user&#8211;machine interactions<br>&#8211; Project management in communications industry<br>Nano Communications<br>&#8211; Nano&#8211;Electromagnetic communications<br>&#8211; Graphene&#8211;based nano&#8211;antennas<br>&#8211; Terahertz Band communication<br>&#8211; Nanomaterials for applications in communications<br>&#8211; Molecular communications<br>&#8211; Protocols and architectures for nano communications<br>&#8211; Information theoretical approaches to nanoscale communications<br>&#8211; Internet of Nano Things (IoNT)<br>&#8211; Privacy, Security and Trust in nanonetworks<br>&#8211; Future emerging applications of nano/molecular communications<br>