IoT DevCon
Santa Clara
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

Machine&#8211;to&#8211;machine (M2M) methods, intelligent embedded and/or smart fusion have been around (in some form) for many years&#046; But the Internet of Things (IoT) goes way beyond this capability and interconnects virtually unlimited numbers of smart objects and changes the way we interact with our environment&#046; To help rein in the vast IoT world, the IoT DevCon 2016 will focus on technologies ranging from the ultra&#8211;low power microcontrollers to the multicore&#8211;enabled aggregation hubs to the software and security infrastructure required for monitoring and management of the enormous bundles of data&#046;<br>2016 Internet of Things Developers Conference topics will include:<br>How IoT technology will affect business and product development<br>The future of what the IoT will bring<br>Making money with the Internet of Things<br>Understanding and managing security&#8211;related issues, taking the IoT into the cloud<br>Utilizing software development environments for M2M applications<br>Designing ultra&#8211;low power IoT nodes<br>Building hubs to harness the data explosion<br>Exploring connectivity protocols and industry standards<br>Evolution and Adoption of Industry Standards for Multicore Development<br>