The 20th Annual RoboCup International Symposium will be held in<br>conjunction with RoboCup 2016. The Symposium is a primary venue for<br>presentation and discussion of scientific contributions to a variety<br>of research areas related to all RoboCup divisions (RoboCup Soccer,<br>RoboCup Rescue, RoboCup at Home, RoboCup at Work, and RoboCup<br>Junior). Its scope includes, but is not restricted to, research and<br>educational activities in robotics and artificial intelligence.<br>Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the Symposium offers a unique<br>venue for exploring both theory and practice in wide spectrum of<br>research fields. The experimental, interactive, and benchmark<br>character of the RoboCup initiative presents an opportunity to<br>disseminate novel ideas and promising technologies, rapidly adopted<br>and field–tested by a large, and still growing, community.<br>We solicit submissions of papers reporting high–quality, original<br>research with relevance to the areas mentioned below. Researchers in<br>these areas, even if not actively participating in RoboCup teams, are<br>urged to submit their work. We welcome both papers describing real–<br>world research and papers reporting theoretical results, as well as<br>combinations thereof. We also encourage the submission of high–<br>quality overview articles for any field related to the general scope<br>of RoboCup.<br>
Deadline Paper
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End Date