The International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (<span class="caps">KESW</span>) is an international event dedicated to discussing research results and directions in the areas related to Linked Data, knowledge representation and reasoning, and semantic technologies. Its aim is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and educators, in particular from the regions underrepresented at the major <span class="caps">ISWC</span> and <span class="caps">ESWC</span> conferences (e.g., Eastern and Northern Europe, exUSSR, and the Middle East) topresent and share ideas related to the Semantic Web, and popularize the area in these regions.<br>RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY TRACK<br>The research track welcomes novel papers addressing theoretical, applied, and empirical aspects of research. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Scalable Data Access<br>Question Answering<br>Big Linked Data processing<br>NaturalLanguage generation<br>Benchmarks for Semantic Web Frameworks<br>Ontologies and controlled vocabularies<br>Logical and philosophical foundations of ontology management<br>Merging and alignment<br>Modularity, collaborative engineering and exchange<br>Using ontologies for modeling scientific knowledge<br>Linked Data<br>Publishing and integrating<br>Querying and consuming<br>Linked Open Data<br>Natural language processing and Semantic Web<br>Information extraction and content analysis<br>Document clustering and classification<br>Opinion mining and sentiment analysis<br>Semantic–based information retrieval<br>Controlled natural languages<br>Knowledge representation and reasoning<br>Knowledge acquisition and management<br>Knowledge graphs<br>Theory of automated reasoning<br>Practical algorithms and optimizations<br>Applications<br>Storage Solutions for the Semantic Web<br>RDF and other NoSQL databases for managing Linked Data<br>Ontologies and databases<br>Data integration<br>Query answering<br>Semantic technologies in industry<br>Reports on experience of using semantic technologies in industry<br>Challenges of practical deployments<br>Other Topics (not limited to)<br>Cognitive aspects of semantic technologies<br>Human Computer Interaction<br>Semantic Social Web<br>Trust, security, and privacy<br>Knowledge and data visualization<br>OPEN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION TRACK<br>This year we welcome papers concerned with providing or exploiting open access to scientific and educational resources. Contributions which explain how semantic technologies facilitate these tasks are especially solicited but this is not a strict requirement. Topics include:<br>Semantic Web and education<br>Opening and linking educational data<br>Ontology models and semantic standards for educational data<br>Visual analytics for educational resources represented using semantic technologies<br>Teaching semantic technologies<br>System descriptions and best practices in linked learning<br>Open Science<br>Open Access to Scientific Publications<br>Open Scientific Data<br>Infrastructure for Open Scientific Data<br>Open Research Methodology<br>
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