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The International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (<span class="caps">KESW</span>) is an international event dedicated to discussing research results and directions in the areas related to Linked Data, knowledge representation and reasoning, and semantic technologies&#046; Its aim is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and educators, in particular from the regions underrepresented at the major <span class="caps">ISWC</span> and <span class="caps">ESWC</span> conferences (e&#046;g&#046;, Eastern and Northern Europe, ex­USSR, and the Middle East) topresent and share ideas related to the Semantic Web, and popularize the area in these regions&#046;<br>RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY TRACK<br>The research track welcomes novel papers addressing theoretical, applied, and empirical aspects of research&#046; Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Scalable Data Access<br>Question Answering<br>Big Linked Data processing<br>Natural­Language generation<br>Benchmarks for Semantic Web Frameworks<br>Ontologies and controlled vocabularies<br>Logical and philosophical foundations of ontology management<br>Merging and alignment<br>Modularity, collaborative engineering and exchange<br>Using ontologies for modeling scientific knowledge<br>Linked Data<br>Publishing and integrating<br>Querying and consuming<br>Linked Open Data<br>Natural language processing and Semantic Web<br>Information extraction and content analysis<br>Document clustering and classification<br>Opinion mining and sentiment analysis<br>Semantic&#8211;based information retrieval<br>Controlled natural languages<br>Knowledge representation and reasoning<br>Knowledge acquisition and management<br>Knowledge graphs<br>Theory of automated reasoning<br>Practical algorithms and optimizations<br>Applications<br>Storage Solutions for the Semantic Web<br>RDF and other NoSQL databases for managing Linked Data<br>Ontologies and databases<br>Data integration<br>Query answering<br>Semantic technologies in industry<br>Reports on experience of using semantic technologies in industry<br>Challenges of practical deployments<br>Other Topics (not limited to)<br>Cognitive aspects of semantic technologies<br>Human Computer Interaction<br>Semantic Social Web<br>Trust, security, and privacy<br>Knowledge and data visualization<br>OPEN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION TRACK<br>This year we welcome papers concerned with providing or exploiting open access to scientific and educational resources&#046; Contributions which explain how semantic technologies facilitate these tasks are especially solicited but this is not a strict requirement&#046; Topics include:<br>Semantic Web and education<br>Opening and linking educational data<br>Ontology models and semantic standards for educational data<br>Visual analytics for educational resources represented using semantic technologies<br>Teaching semantic technologies<br>System descriptions and best practices in linked learning<br>Open Science<br>Open Access to Scientific Publications<br>Open Scientific Data<br>Infrastructure for Open Scientific Data<br>Open Research Methodology<br>