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The conference will be devoted to a highly selective program with papers describing original and unpublished research advancing the state of the art in the field of Parallel and Distributed Computing paradigms and applications&#046; ISPDC2016 aims to provide an interactive and friendly, yet professional forum, for original research contributions describing novel ideas, ground&#8211;breaking results and/or experiences&#046;<br>Topics of interest of the ISPDC 2016 conference include, but are not limited to:<br>System Architectures for Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>*Multi&#8211;Cores, Virtualization<br>*Clusters and Grid Computing<br>*Methods and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming<br>*Embedded, Mobile and Networking Environments<br>*System Architecture and System Software for In&#8211;Memory Computing<br>*Innovative System Architecture for Big Data Processing<br>*System Architecture for Graph Computing/Processing<br>*Interconnect Architecture for HPC and Data Centers<br>High Performance Computing and Large Scale Applications<br>*Tools and Environments for Parallel Program Design/Analysis<br>*Scalable Algorithms and Applications<br>*Urban Networks and Applications, Vehicular Networks<br>*Parallel, Distributed and Mobile big&#8211;Data Management<br>Parallel Computing and Algorithms<br>*Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs<br>*GPU Programming<br>*Bio&#8211;inspired Parallel Algorithms<br>*Big Data and Graph Analytics<br>*Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification<br>Distributed and Embedded Computing<br>*Collaborative Computing, P2P Computing<br>*Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing<br>*Web Services and Internet Computing<br>*Distributed Software Components, Multi&#8211;agent Systems<br>*Parallel Embedded Systems Programming<br>*Highly Embedded Parallel Systems Support for Programming<br>*FPGA and SoC Solutions<br>Interactivity<br>*Real&#8211;time Distributed and Parallel Systems<br>*Visualisation of Massively Parallel Data<br>*IoT, Social Networks<br>*IoT Architectures and Services<br>*IoT Applications<br>Cloud Computing<br>*Cloud Resource Provisioning and Allocation<br>*Pricing of Cloud Resources<br>*Cloud Performance, and Capacity Management<br>*Green Cloud Computing<br>*Mobile Clouds<br>*Security and Privacy in Clouds<br>*Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data<br>*Storage Architectures for Clouds and Big Data Processing<br>*Multimedia Data Processing<br>Performance Modeling, Management and Optimization<br>*Scheduling and Load Balancing<br>*Performance Modeling, Analysis and Evaluation<br>*Optimisation, Security and Dependability<br>