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Cyber Resilience<br>Cyber security assessment; Data analytics for Cyber resilience; Organizational security (government, commercial); Resilient smart cities; Resilient Internet of Things (RIOT); Cyber&#8211;cities and Cyber&#8211;environments; Critical infrastructure security; Back up and recovery for systems of systems; Disaster planning and management from Cyber perspective; Integrated and smarter sensors<br>Cyber Security<br>Security management [overall information security management in the sense of 27000 series applied to cyber systems]; Compliance management [verify/check compliance with defined policies, provide corresponding management reports]; Security administration of cyber systems [technical security management of security services]; Security and privacy regulations and laws; Securely interconnected cyber systems [firewalls, cross&#8211;domain security solutions]; Self&#8211;securing and self&#8211;defending cyber systems; Trust management, trust&#8211;based information processing [using possibly untrustworthy data sources in a controlled way]; Security technologies for protecting cyber systems and devices; Identity and access management in cyber systems; Anti&#8211;counterfeiting; Secure production and supply chain; Cloud computing security; Big&#8211;data security; Advanced persistent threats; Network traffic analysis and trace&#8211;back; Cyberspace operations; Incident response, investigation, and evidence handling; Intrusion detection and prevention; Cyberspace protection and anti&#8211;malware; Cooperation and sharing for Cyber&#8211;defense<br>Cyber Infrastructure<br>Cyber&#8211;Cities and Cyber&#8211;environments; Information technology infrastructure; Telecommunications and networks; Cyber&#8211;space and data centers; Cyber&#8211;enabled control systems; Cyber&#8211;enabled critical infrastructure systems; Cyber&#8211;physical systems and Internet of Things; Special application domains (smart grid, traffic management systems, autonomous driving, etc&#046;); Embedded processors and controllers; Mobility in Cyber&#8211;space; Virtualization in Cyber&#8211;space<br>Cyber Forensics<br>Computer and networks forensics; Social networking forensics; Digital forensics tools and applications; Applications of information hiding; Identification, authentication, and collection of digital evidence; Anti&#8211;forensic techniques and methods; Watermarking and intellectual property theft; Privacy issues in network forensics; Tools, applications, case studies, best practices<br>Cyber Crime<br>Cyber&#8211;crimes: Challenges in detection/prevention; Anomalies detection; Advanced Persistent Threats and Cyber&#8211;resilience; BotNets and MobiNets; Cyber crime&#8211;related investigations; Challenges and detection of Cyber&#8211;crimes; Network traffic analysis, traceback; Security information and event management (SIEM); Stealthiness improving techniques: information hiding, steganography/steganalysis, etc&#046;<br>Nature&#8211;inspired and Bio&#8211;inspired Cyber&#8211;defense<br>Bio&#8211;inspired anomaly &amp; intrusion detection; Autonomic and Adaptive Cyber&#8211;Defense; Adaptive and Evolvable Systems; Cooperative defense systems; Network artificial immune systems; Adaptation algorithms for cyber security; Biometrics related to cyber defense; Bio&#8211;inspired security and networking algorithms and technologies; Biomimetics related to cyber security; Bio&#8211;inspired cyber threat intelligence methods and systems; Bio&#8211;inspired algorithms for dependable networks; Correlations in moving&#8211;target techniques; Neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and genetic algorithms for cyber security Prediction techniques for cyber defense; Information hiding solutions (steganography, watermarking) and detection<br>Social&#8211;inspired opportunistic mobile Cyber&#8211;systems<br>Design of cyber&#8211;physical applications for opportunistic mobile systems based on behavioral models; Social metrics for networks and systems operations; Application of mixed physical and online social network sensing; Social&#8211;aware modeling, design and development of routing algorithms in cyber&#8211;physical; Incentive mechanisms, reputation systems and key management algorithms in cyber&#8211;physical opportunistic mobile systems; Participatory mobile sensing for mining integration in cyber&#8211;physical opportunistic mobile systems; Experiments with cyber&#8211;physical opportunistic mobile systems<br>