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Simulation models<br>Monte Carlo simulation; Statistical analysis of simulation output; Analytical simulation modeling; Discrete event simulation models; Credible simulation models; Multi&#8211;objective simulation models; Multisimulation with multiresolution, multistage multimodels; Verification and validation of simulation models; Simulation metamodels; Executable simulation models; Emulation models; Regression models and experimental designs; Kriging metamodeling; Kriging metamodeling in discrete&#8211;event simulation; Kriging modeling for global approximation<br>Simulation methodologies<br>Sensitivity analysis; Rare&#8211;event simulation methodology; Agent&#8211;based modeling and simulation; Regenerative steady&#8211;state simulation; Simulation&#8211;based ordinal optimization; Ontology&#8211;based simulation methodology; Simulation component reuse methodology; Two&#8211;level simulation methodology; Emulation methodologies; System adaptation simulation; Simulation methodologies for autonomic and autonomous systems; Virtual reality simulation methodologies; Virtualization simulation; Construction simulation methodologies<br>Sensitivity analysis<br>Systematic simulation using sensitive analysis; Probabilistic sensitivity analysis; Sensitivity analysis of simulation technologies (Monte Carlo, Streamline, Spatial models, etc&#046;); Domain&#8211;oriented sensitivity analysis (optimization, estimation matching, climate); Sensitivity analysis of products features, formalisms, design optimization (systems, code); Assessing the competency of business services (public, health, transportation, etc&#046;); Sensitivity analysis and performance extrapolation; Adjoint transient sensitivity analysis; Causality and sensitivity analysis; Assessing the accuracy of sensitivity analysis<br>Simulation mechanisms<br>Composing simulation models; Reusable simulation model; Uncertainty simulation; Continuous&#8211;variable simulation optimization; Approximate zero&#8211;variance simulation; Probabilistic processes for simulation; Progressive model fitting; Steady&#8211;state simulations with initial transients; Merging simulation and optimization; Simulation optimization, stochastic programming and robust optimization; Overlapping variance estimators; Kriging interpolation in simulation; Kriging versus regression analysis; Interpolation; Random simulation; Prediction and simulation; Interpolation /Kriging, Cokriging, Conditional Simulation, and Inverse Distance Weighting/<br>Model based system prediction<br>Model based prediction of system quality characteristics and their trade&#8211;offs; Prediction models; Methods and tools for system quality prediction; Reliability prediction; Security prediction; Risk prediction; Performance prediction; Uncertainty handling in prediction models; Prediction of change impacts on system quality and risk; Quality and trustworthiness of prediction models; Predictability of system quality characteristics; Predictability of dynamic and adaptive systems; Data acquisition methods in system quality prediction; Traceability and maintainability of prediction models; Inference types in prediction models; Experience reports on and application areas for system quality prediction; Empirical studies on system quality prediction<br>Distributed simulation<br>Large&#8211;scale simulation experiments; Industrial scale simulation; Time aspects in distributed simulation; Resource constraints in distributed simulation; Distributed disaster decision simulation; Simulation for rapid assessment of distributed impacts; Parallel and distributed simulation; Model&#8211;driven distributed simulation engineering<br>Human&#8211;in simulation<br>User&#8211;in&#8211;the&#8211;middle simulations; User&#8211;feedback in simulations; User&#8211;adaptive simulations; Bioterrorism preparedness simulation; Probabilistic risk assessment; Measurement of situation awareness<br>Simulations in advanced environments<br>Simulation in Virtualized systems; Simulation in Cloud environments; Simulations in GRID environments; Simulation in Cognitive systems; Simulation in P2P systems; Simulation in Data Centers; Simulation in Power Distribution Centers; Simulation in micro&#8211; and nano&#8211;systems; Simulation in Geospatial systems; Geostatistics simulation; Spatial simulation; Simulation in Self&#8211;Adaptable systems; Simulation in Ubiquitous systems; Simulation in Underwater Vehicular and Communications systems; Simulations in Mobile and Vehicular systems; Simulation in eHealth systems;Computational fluid dynamics simulations for urban and environmental applications<br>Practical applications on process simulations<br>Uncertainty in industrial practice; Simulation for business planning; Application to finance; Logistics simulation; Supply chain simulation; Software reliability simulation; Simulation in vehicular systems /avionics, satellites, terrestrial/; Simulation models for manufacturing; Climate and weather&#8211;related simulations; Biological system simulation; Chemical system simulation; Commercial simulation environments; Healthcare simulation; Hospital planning; Simulation&#8211;based scheduling; Simulation in warehouse operations; Manufacturing simulation interoperability; Telecommunications simulations /reliability, queuing, fault spreading, virus contamination/; Cyber&#8211;attack modeling and simulation; Sensor fusion simulation<br>Case studies on social simulation<br>Group&#8211;work interaction simulation; Behavior analysis in simulations; Social need simulations; Simulating urban open spaces; Social decision simulation; Real&#8211;time decision making simulation; e&#8211;Polling simulation; Validation of simulated real&#8211;world; Simulation to predict market behavior; Predictions via similarity&#8211;based data&#8211;mining; Simulation of groups in e&#8211;Government systems; Simulation of urban mobility<br>Online social simulation<br>Online social models, social networking; Simulation of conflicts, cooperation, persuasions; Simulation of dynamics, group decisions, emerging behavior and situations; Simulation of interactive games, predictions and distributed tasks; Simulation of 3D online communities, massive online multiplayers, virtual social communities; Life problems simulation (sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, geography, archeology and linguistics); Group innovation and consumption simulation; Applications, techniques, tools, computational frameworks, experiments and lessons<br>Building simulation<br>Simulation of building physics; Human simulation of the indoor environment; Civil&#8211;oriented and enterprise&#8211;oriented simulations; Simulation of building services (lightning, heating, cooling, ventilation, insulation, etc&#046;); Simulation of energy capture and conversion; Simulation of solar buildings, geothermal energy buildings; Simulation for earthquakes, flooding, fire propagation, etc&#046;; Simulation of design practice; Tools and applications to simulate building&#8211;related properties and situations<br>Transport simulation<br>Transport system models; Airport simulation; Public transport simulation; Merchandise port simulation; Rural transport simulation during harvest time; Shipping transport simulation; Content and volume&#8211;based transport simulation; Simulation of traffic control and synchronization; Prediction accuracy of transport simulations; Simulation of transport projects<br>Warfare simulation<br>Warfare simulation environments and models; Tactical and strategic warfare simulation; Attack warfare simulation; Urban warfare simulation; Warfare simulation in unknown environment; Underwater, terrestrial, and spatial simulations; Hierarchical control simulation; Warfare gaming<br>Simulation tools and platforms<br>Discrete&#8211;event simulation software; Commercial off&#8211;the&#8211;shelf simulation package interoperability; Ontology&#8211;based tools for simulation integration; Simulation frameworks for energy&#8211;efficient systems; Public system applications; Simulators for business planning; Simulation tools for systems biology; Simulation tools for constructions /bridges, railways, industrial buildings, subways/<br>Experience report on ready&#8211;to&#8211;use tools<br>ShowFlow and XJ technologies; Rockwell Automation and Frontline Systems; SIMULE&#8211;Planner, AutoMOD; PMC&#8211;Kanban Simulator, Program Portfolio Simulator and Asprova Scheduler; 3D simulator tool&#8211;kits; Wolverine Software&#8211;SLX; OPNET; OMNET++; NIIST; NS&#8211;2; NS&#8211;3; ATDI ICS; Qualnet; Dymola; Matlab/Simulink; Open source tools<br>