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This conference aims to bring many important research streams together&#046; Computer Information Systems and their applications in Image Analysis and Processing, Biometrics in both behavioral and physiological categories comprise researches in Information Processing Systems and Human Identification and Recognition Techniques&#046; Therefore, researchers are encouraged to submit their contributions in both theoretical and practical aspects of the following Topics&#046;<br>CONFERENCE TOPICS<br>The topics of the conference include the following scientific research areas of Computer Science&#046;<br>Biometrics Security and Multi&#8211;media<br>&#8211; Preprocessing Methods<br>&#8211; Feature Extraction<br>&#8211; Face Description and Identification<br>&#8211; Retinal and Iris, Tongue, DNA and EEG Biometrics<br>&#8211; Multi&#8211;modal Biometric Methods<br>&#8211; Medical Analysis<br>&#8211; Border Control<br>&#8211; Biometric Cryptosystems<br>&#8211; Fingerprints, Hand Palm and Hand Geometry<br>&#8211; Speech and Speaker Verification and all other topics on Human Description<br>&#8211; Classification<br>&#8211; Identification and Recognition<br>&#8211; Kansei Engineering<br>&#8211; Affective Systems and Human Emotion Measuring Techniques<br>Computer Information Systems<br>&#8211; Signal &amp; Image Analysis and Processing<br>&#8211; Computer Graphics and Vision<br>&#8211; Object Classification and Recognition<br>&#8211; Artificial Intelligence<br>&#8211; Ambient Intelligence<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous Systems<br>&#8211; Mobile and Pervasive Computing<br>&#8211; Security<br>&#8211; Mobile Ad&#8211;hoc and Sensor Network Service&#8211;oriented Framework and Middleware<br>&#8211; Network and Application Hardware<br>&#8211; Quality of Services (QoS)<br>&#8211; Medical<br>&#8211; Multimedia<br>Classification and clustering with application<br>&#8211; Classification<br>&#8211; Clustering<br>&#8211; SVM<br>&#8211; Bayesian Models<br>&#8211; Neural Gas, Neural Networks<br>Industrial Management and other Applications<br>&#8211; Commerce, Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis<br>&#8211; Engineering Education and Training<br>&#8211; Global Manufacturing and Management<br>&#8211; Human Factors<br>&#8211; Information Processing and Engineering<br>&#8211; Intelligent Systems<br>&#8211; Manufacturing Systems<br>&#8211; Operations Research<br>&#8211; Production Planning and Control<br>&#8211; Project Management<br>&#8211; Quality Control and Management<br>&#8211; Reliability and Maintenance Engineering<br>&#8211; Safety<br>&#8211; Security and Risk Management<br>&#8211; Service Innovation and Management<br>&#8211; Supply Chain Management<br>&#8211; Systems Modeling and Simulation<br>&#8211; Technology and Knowledge Management<br>&#8211; High Performance Computing and Large Scale Data Analysis<br>&#8211; Rough Set Methods for Big Data Analytics<br>