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PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, India (PSNA CET) sincerely invite you to take part in 2016 International Conference on Next Generation Technologies in Computing and Communication (NGTCC 2016), will be held in Dindigul, India during December 14&#8211;16th, 2016&#046; NGTCC2016 has a workshop&#8211;2016 7th International Conference on Software and Computing Technology (ICSCT 2016)<br>NGTCC 2016 is supposed to be the largest technical event on Computing and Communication in Dindigul, India in 2016&#046; It is sponsored by PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, India&#046; The focus of the conference is to establish an effective platform for institutions and industries to share ideas and to present the works of scientists, engineers, educators and students from all over the world&#046; The organizing committee of conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to NGTCC 2016&#046;<br>After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the NGTCC 2016 Conference Proceedings&#046; and reviewed by the IEEE Conference Publication Program for IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex&#046;<br>Submission<br>NGTCC2016 is now accepting manuscript submissions&#046;<br>Please submit your full paper to us: iccre@saise&#046;org&#046;<br>Call for Paper<br>Computer Engineering<br>Algorithms<br>Bioinformatics<br>Computer Simulation<br>Control Systems<br>Data Mining<br>Expert Systems<br>Image Processing<br>Multimedia<br>Natural Language Processing<br>Robotics<br>Technology in Education Communication Engineering<br>Communication Networks<br>Wireless Communications<br>Mobile Communications<br>Infrastructure for Next Generation Networks<br>Information &amp; Communication<br>Coding Theory<br>Optical Communications<br>Internet Technologies<br>Communication Software<br>Ad&#8211;Hoc<br>Sensor Networks<br>