The 9th ICIRA covers both theory and applications in all the areas of robotics, automation, and mechatronics.<br>The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Robotics: Collective and social robots; Human–robot interaction; Mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; Robot vision, recognition and reconstruction; Multi–agent systems and distributed control; Robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; Cognitive robotics; Fuzzy and neural systems; Evolutionary robotics; Robot design, development and control; Robot motion analysis and planning; Medical robot; Robot actuators and sensors; Robot cooperation; Robot legged locomotion; Robot mechanism and design; Perception and awareness; Man–machine interactions; Space and underwater robots; Virtual and augmented reality; Planning and Navigation/Localization<br>Mechatronics: Advanced measurement and machine vision system; drives and autuatorsf modeling; Education in mechatronics engineering; Adaptive and learning control system; Advanced control and informatics; Micro–electro–mechanical systems; Multi–sensor data fusion algorithms; Estimation and identification; Modeling of complex systems; Process control and instrumentation; Motion control; Micro and nano systems; Nonlinear systems and control; Optimal control; Rotating system dynamics and control; Smart structures & materials hybrid; Stability and stabilization; Motion vibration and noise control; Real–time and hardware–in–the–loop simulation; Sensing of small quantities<br>Applications: Computer integrated manufacturing; Factory modeling and automation; Fault detection, testing and diagnosis; Flexible manufacturing systems; Robotics in agriculture; Human–centric systems; Community–centric systems; Mechatronics in energy systems; Aerospace engineering; Automotive systems; Data storage systems; Electronic packaging; Manufacturing; Prototyping<br>
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