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The IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems (IoT&#8211;SP&#8211;2016) will be held at Agadir&#046; Morocco University, from September 22 to 24 , 2016&#046; The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society , This conference will be co&#8211;located with The International Conference on Engineering &amp; MIS 2016<br>IEEE IoT&#8211;SP&#8211;2016 will address numerous challenges of today&#8242;s data networks, which are being subject to significant changes driven by Pervasive Systems, Internet of things and other new concepts&#046; As a result, new technologies are needed to efficiently and effectively cope with the resulting traffic demands&#046; It is important that researchers gather to share their ideas and progress in solving these future challenges&#046;<br>Thus, the main goal of IoT&#8211;SP&#8211;2016 is to advance the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art in the design and analysis of IoT paradigms&#046; This will have a direct impact on the quality of life and will provide efficient and environment&#8211;friendly development in which there is harmony between economic growth, human development and environmental protection&#046; The workshop seeks original, unpublished high impact research manuscripts on all topics related to the development of the IoT&#046; Papers are selected on the basis of novelty, technical merit, presentation effectiveness and impact of results&#046;<br>The submitted papers should be in English in accordance with IEEE format, and will be reviewed by at least three expert reviewers in terms of relevance, originality, contribution, correctness, and presentation&#046; All accepted papers will be submitted for publication to IEEE Xplore&#046;<br>Examples of research areas considered in IEEE IoT&#8211;SP&#8211;2016 include<br>Smart Spaces within IoT<br>Critically discuss current research in the field of IoT<br>IoT and embedded systems technologies<br>IoT enabling technologies<br>IoT communication and networking protocols<br>IoT services<br>Smart IoT applications<br>Cloud computing and the Internet of Things<br>Semantic Web 3&#046;0 standard for M2M and IoT<br>Communication systems and network architectures for the IoT<br>Security and privacy of IoT<br>Wireless sensing and IoT<br>Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) in IoT<br>Power consumption and optimization in IoT<br>M2M and Machine Intelligence<br>Big Data: Data Acquisition &amp; Analytics<br>Facility and Enterprise Wide Connectivity<br>Wearables<br>IoT Security<br>Wireless, Fiber &amp; Other Telemetry/Communications Networks<br>Cloud&#8211;based Monitoring and Control of Equipment, Assets, Facilities &amp; Operations<br>Smart Service Management<br>IoT platforms for BigData and Data analytics on clouds or pervasive environments<br>Data&#8211;intensive computing on hybrid infrastructures (clusters, clouds, grids, P2P)<br>Heterogeneous Source Mining<br>Pervasive grids and Mobile Edge Computing<br>Data streams mining techniques<br>Big data analytics and mining applications for pervasive systems<br>Data mining techniques for sensor data<br>