Deadline Paper
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The ACM Workshop on wearable systems and applications (WearSys) is focused on wearable technologies that can shape mobile computing, systems and applications research&#046; WearSys will provide a venue for presenting current research and technology trends, and debating future research agendas of wearable technology&#046; It will provide a forum for discussing innovative and/or ideas that have potential for significant impact&#046;<br>We solicit papers of six or fewer pages that present preliminary research in prototyping a wearable system, experience in designing a novel wearable technology, or survey of useful tools for designing interdisciplinary wearable systems and applications&#046; We also encourage position papers that propose new directions for research or advocate disruptive design ideas and project applications&#046; We also encourage submissions that can help bootstrap exploration of the wearable design space by the broader mobile systems community&#046; The focus areas include, but not limited to,<br>&#8211; Smart Glass, wearable imaging, projection and low&#8211;power displays<br>&#8211; Wearable fashion (Smart watch, wristbands, amulets, body suits)<br>&#8211; Capacitive sensing and On&#8211;body communication<br>&#8211; Wearable health and fitness activity tracking<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous Input Devices<br>&#8211; Novel energy management solutions (eg&#046; swappable batteries, solar harvesting)<br>&#8211; Context sensitive notification delivery<br>&#8211; Wearable biometrics for payment and authentication<br>&#8211; Haptics and cognitive prosthetics<br>&#8211; Body energy harnessing<br>&#8211; Brain&#8211;interfaces<br>&#8211; Electromyography (EMG) interfaces<br>&#8211; Wearable fashion (eg&#046; smart jackets, body suits, amulets)<br>&#8211; Novel combinations of 3D printing and Wearables (eg&#046; integration with custom 3D printed sensors/encl&#046;)<br>&#8211; Wearable infrastructure and toolkits (hardware/software, custom/open source)<br>