North Korea
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Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>Circuits, Systems and Communications:<br>Design, Simulation and Test of Digital, Analog, Mixed Mode and RF Circuits and Systems<br>Processor Design and Embedded Systems<br>VLSI, ASIC, FPGA, SoC and MPSoC<br>Computer Aided Design and Electronic Design Automation<br>Circuits and Systems for Communications<br>Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits<br>Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<br>Control Theory Topics in Circuits and Systems<br>Signal Processing<br>Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications<br>Circuits and Systems for Energy Harvesting<br>Circuits and Systems for Cryptography<br>Circuits and Systems for Low Power Applications<br>Computer Aided Verification<br>Computer Aided Interconnect Analysis and Optimization<br>Circuit/Device Modeling and Simulation<br>Formal Modelling and Analysis of Circuits and Systems<br>SystemC, SystemVerilog and Transcation Level Modelling<br>Self&#8211;Correcting/Self&#8211;Healing Circuits and Systems<br>Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>Battery Management Systems<br>Photovoltaic System Design<br>Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Technology:<br>Formal Methods, Graph Theory, Process Algebras, Petri&#8211;Nets, Automaton Theory, BDDs and UML<br>Equivalence Checking, Model Checking, SAT&#8211;based Methods, Compositional Methods and Probabilistic Methods<br>Average&#8211;Case Analysis and Worst&#8211;Case Analysis<br>Numerical Algorithms<br>Software Developed to Solve Science<br>Computational Biology and Bioinformatics<br>Intelligent Systems<br>Internet and Web Systems<br>Real&#8211;Time, Hybrid, Embedded and Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>Agent and Autonomous Systems<br>Scientific Computing and Applications<br>Computer and Information Science<br>Computer Networks and Data Communications<br>Distributed Systems, Grid Computing and Services Computing<br>Design and Programming Methodologies for Network Protocols and Applications<br>Wireless Sensor Networks<br>E&#8211;Business Design and Applications<br>Financial Mathematics<br>Computer&#8211;Aided Design and Manufacturing<br>Computer Architecture<br>Computer Control and Robotics<br>Computer Graphics, Animation, and Virtual Reality<br>Computers in Education and Learning Technologies<br>Computer Modeling and Simulations<br>Computer Security and Privacy<br>Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition<br>