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SITA&#8242;16 is the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications&#046; It is a major international scientific event organized with the objective of bringing together researchers and industry professionals sharing the Intelligent Systems passion&#046; SITA‘16 aims at presenting the latest research works dealing with emerging Theories and Applications of Intelligent Systems&#046; Emphasis will be particularly laid on the contribution of these new theories in solving the complex problems that many scientific and industrial communities encounter&#046; SITA‘16 will be held on October 19th and 20th 2016 at Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Mohammedia (FSTM), Mohammedia, Morocco&#046;<br>Topics and Scope of the Conference<br>Theory, Methods and Tools:<br>Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods<br>&#8211; Measures of Information and Uncertainty<br>&#8211; Evidence and Possibility Theories<br>&#8211; Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic<br>&#8211; Rough Sets<br>&#8211; Approximate Reasoning<br>&#8211; Multiple Criteria Decision Methods<br>&#8211; Aggregation Methods &#8211; Swarm Approaches<br>&#8211; Graphical Models<br>&#8211; Machine Learning<br>&#8211; Big data<br>&#8211; Evolutionary Computation<br>&#8211; Neural Networks<br>&#8211; Constraint Programming&#046;<br>Application Fields:<br>Intelligent Systems and Information Processing<br>&#8211; Image, Audio and Video Processing<br>&#8211; Networking and Telecommunication<br>&#8211; Databases and Information Systems<br>&#8211; Information Retrieval and Fusion<br>&#8211; Mutli&#8211;Agent Systems<br>&#8211; Games &#8211; Pattern Recognition<br>&#8211; Natural Langage Processing<br>&#8211; Robotics<br>&#8211; Internet of Things and Embedded Systems<br>&#8211; Web Mining<br>&#8211; Medicine and Bioinformatics<br>&#8211; Finance<br>&#8211; Software Engineering<br>&#8211; Industrial Engineering&#046;<br>