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2016 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems is a major international forum for discussion of new technology progress and innovations in the design and implementation of digital signal processing systems&#046; It addresses all aspects of architecture and design methods of these systems&#046; Emphasis is on current and future challenges in research and development in both academia and industry&#046; Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:<br>VLSI Based Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems<br>–Low&#8211;power signal processing circuits and applications<br>–High performance VLSI systems<br>–VLSI design for 100 Gbps and beyond networking systems<br>–FPGA and reconfigurable architecture based systems<br>–System&#8211;on&#8211;chip and network&#8211;on&#8211;chip<br>–VLSI Systems for Wireless Sensor Network and RF Identification Systems<br>Software Based Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems<br>–Programmable digital signal processor architecture and systems<br>–Application specific instruction&#8211;set processor (ASIP) architecture and systems<br>–SIMD, VLIW and multi&#8211;core CPU architecture<br>–Graphic processing unit (GPU) based massively parallel implementation<br>–Embedded FPGA architectures<br>Design Methods of Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures<br>–Optimization of signal processing algorithms<br>–Compilers and tools for signal processing systems<br>–Algorithm transformation and algorithm&#8211;to&#8211;architecture mapping<br>–Error&#8211;Tolerant Techniques for Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing Application Systems<br>–Audio, speech and language processing<br>–Biomedical signal processing and bioinformatics<br>–Image, video and multimedia signal processing<br>–Information forensics, security and cryptography<br>–Machine learning for signal processing<br>–Sensing and sensor signal processing<br>–Autonomous energy harvesting&#8211;based sensor networks<br>–Signal processing for non&#8211;volatile memory systems<br>–Latency and power constrained signal processing techniques for high&#8211;speed networking<br>–Wireless communications and networking<br>–Coding and Compression<br>–Multiple&#8211;Input&#8211;Multiple&#8211;Output (MIMO) and Communication Systems<br>–Software Defined Radio<br>Emerging Technologies<br>–Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET)<br>–Cognitive radio networks<br>&#8211;Internet of Things (IoT)<br>&#8211;Deep learning and reconfigurable/ASIC processors<br>–Bio&#8211;inspired networks<br>–Context&#8211;aware mobile networking<br>–Wireless body area networks (WBANs)<br>–Implantable Communications<br>–Tele&#8211;medicine/e&#8211;health networks<br>Signal Processing Compensation Techniques for Analog and Digital VLSI<br>–Digital Compensation techniques for variations in Silicon process, temperature, aging<br>–Error Detection and Correction for Volatile and Non Volatile Memories<br>–Power Reduction and SNR Improvement for On&#8211;chip and off&#8211;chip interconnects and buses<br>–Digital Compensation Signal Processing for ADCs, power&#8211;amps, MEMS, power Controllers<br>