International Conference in Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP–2016) organizing committee welcomes you to come and join us for this extraordinary event in which scientific and genuine presentations as well as stimulating discussions by emeritus academicians, researchers and scholars will foster new visions and horizons of the future signal, image and information processing.<br>IConSIP–2016 invites leading scientists, engineers, practicing experts from a wide range of disciplines associated with recent advancements in signal, image and information processing and its applications. This conference platform encourages its participants to exchange their innovative ideas, enrich knowledge domain and expand their network of research community.<br>In IConSIP–2016, you will have wonderful opportunity to interact with world leading scientists, outstanding academicians, research scholars and practicing experts in the field of signal, image and information processing who have an interest in topics such as signal processing, image formation, Information ( image / video ) processing, Information ( image / video ) coding and transmission, Information ( image / video ) storage, retrieval and authentication, Computer vision & pattern recognition, Machine Learning and intelligence.<br>Prospective authors are invited to submit original research work that falls within the scope of this conference. All submissions will be thoroughly peer–reviewed by experts based on originality, significance and clarity. All the accepted and presented papers of the duly registered authors will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Original papers , which are not in consideration at any other conference or journal may be submitted online through Easy chair link .<br>Topics in the IConSIP 2016 Technical Program include but are not limited to:<br>Information (Image/video) coding and transmission<br>Filtering, restoration and enhancement, segmentation, tracking, morphological processing, feature extraction and analysis.<br>Information (Image/video) storage, retrieval, and authentication<br>Image formation:<br>Signal Processing<br>Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition<br>Information (Image/video) processing<br>Applications<br>
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