Deadline Paper
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The European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) is a premier international forum for presenting computer systems research, broadly construed&#046; EuroSys 2017 seeks papers on all areas of computer systems research, including:<br>Cloud computing and datacenter systems<br>Database systems and data analytics frameworks<br>Operating systems<br>Virtualization and virtualized systems<br>File and storage systems<br>Distributed systems<br>Mobile and pervasive systems<br>Networked systems<br>Dependable systems<br>Language support and runtime systems<br>Parallelism, concurrency, and multicore systems<br>Real&#8211;time, embedded, and cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>Secure systems, privacy, and anonymity&#8211;preserving systems<br>Tracing, analysis, and transformation of systems<br>We encourage papers that span different topics and communities&#046; We also welcome experience papers that clearly articulate lessons learned and papers that refute prior published results&#046; Papers will be judged on novelty, significance, correctness, and clarity&#046; Preference will be given to papers with innovative ideas and new approaches over papers with incremental results on well&#8211;established problems&#046; Papers will be provisionally accepted and final acceptance will be subject to shepherding by a member of the program committee&#046;<br>