Las Vegas
United States
Deadline Paper
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<div class="panel&#8211;grid" id="pg&#8211;122&#8211;1"><div class="panel&#8211;grid&#8211;cell" id="pgc&#8211;122&#8211;1&#8211;0"><div class="so&#8211;panel widget widget_black&#8211;studio&#8211;tinymce widget_black_studio_tinymce panel&#8211;first&#8211;child panel&#8211;last&#8211;child" id="panel&#8211;122&#8211;1&#8211;0&#8211;0" data&#8211;index="2"><div class="textwidget"><p>Conference Theme: Virtual and Augmented Lifestyle</p> <p>This year during the Mobile World Congress Mark Zuckerberg stated that: “VR is the next platform … the most social platform”&#046; VR/AR technology has reached a level of maturity where it is about to impact on our daily lifestyle&#046; Contributions involving research that enables new augmented consumer devices, systems or services are particularly encouraged&#046; </p> <p>New for 2017, ICCE will feature affinity tracks organized with the IEEE Biometrics and RFID councils, the IEEE Cloud Computing initiative and the IEEE Society for the Social Implications of Technology&#046; There will also be a dedicated Industry Track to highlight new and emerging industry research activities&#046; </p> <p>ICCE 2017 will start co&#8211;located and overlapping with the final day of the 2017 <a href="http://cesweb&#046;org/&quot; target="_blank">CES®</a><span class="tc&#8211;external"></span>&#046;<br>In this edition ICCE will program high level expertise Tutorials on emerging topics as well as Special Sessions and a set of relevant Keynote Speakers&#046;</p> </div></div></div></div><strong>MAIN CONFERENCE TRACKS</strong><br>1&#046; RF, Wireless &amp; Network Technologies<br>2&#046; Entertainment, Gaming, Virtual &amp; Augmented Reality<br>3&#046; AV Systems, Image &amp; Video, Cameras &amp; Acquisition<br>4&#046; Automotive CE Applications<br>5&#046; CE Sensors &amp; MEMS<br>6&#046; Consumer Healthcare &amp; Systems<br>7&#046; Energy Management in CE Infrastructure, Systems &amp; Devices<br>8&#046; Internet of Things and Internet of Everywhere<br>9&#046; Security and Privacy in CE Infrastructure, Systems &amp; Devices<br>10&#046; Enabling &amp; HCI Technologies<br>11&#046; Other Technologies Related with CE<br>