Deadline Paper
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End Date

HASE 2017 programme will be divided into the following tracks&#046;<br>Track A: Theoretical foundations of assurance<br>Contributions under this track will focus on formal methods that aid in modeling and validating new and existing designs of complex systems&#046;<br>Track B: The practice of assurance<br>Contributions under this track will focus on methods that have been applied in the design of high assurance systems, or have been tested in realistic testbeds&#046;<br>Track C: Tools<br>Contributions under this track will focus on new or existing tools and their effectiveness in creating high assurance designs&#046;<br>Track D: Ideas under trial<br>Short papers under this track will focus on new ideas that fall under design innovation&#046; Such ideas might not have undergone a rigorous test but are worthy of discussion&#046;<br>Papers that cut across Tracks A, B, and C are welcome&#046;<br>Systems of interest [not limited to]<br>Cyber&#8211;physical Systems (including public infrastructure such as power grid, water treatment and distribution, mass transportation, digital manufacturing systems)<br>Internet of Things<br>Cloud Systems<br>Distributed Systems<br>Web Services<br>Embedded Systems<br>Autonomous vehicles<br>Robot swarms<br>Topics of interest [not limited to]<br>Model&#8211;driven Engineering<br>Design languages<br>Synthesis<br>Formal Methods<br>Domain Specific Languages<br>Evolution and Change<br>Verification and Validation<br>Software Analysis and Visualisation<br>Transformation&#8211;based Development<br>Security and Privacy<br>Reliability and Safety<br>Tools for High Assurance Systems<br>