Deadline Paper
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End Date

Objectives<br>The objectives of the Workshop are:<br>To review the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art and trends of key microwave research, technologies, and techniques&#046;<br>To review the current and future applications for microwave devices&#046;<br>To assess the impact of these technologies on future satellite systems at space, ground and user segment levels&#046;<br>To identify enabling technologies for performance and/or cost breakthroughs&#046;<br>To exchange on new ideas&#046;<br>To promote exchanges between system/payload and technology specialists&#046;<br>To provide a forum to foster contacts between industry and academia&#046;<br>Topics of Interest<br>Papers should describe new developments and innovative ideas in line with the objectives of the Workshop&#046; Possible topics for paper submission are given in the following list:<br>Solid&#8211;state technologies and devices (MMIC, Schottky diode, HBV, RFIC,&#046;&#046;)<br>RF functions (low&#8211;noise amplifier, mixer, multiplier, detector, broadband ADC/DAC,&#046;&#046;)<br>Frequency generation techniques (VCO, PLL, DDS, OCXO,&#046;&#046;)<br>Power amplification (SSPA, TWTA,&#046;&#046;)<br>RF MEMS devices and micro&#8211;machining techniques<br>Passive components (filter, multiplexer, switch, cables, connectors,&#046;&#046;)<br>RF packaging and interconnection technologies<br>Microwave photonics technologies and techniques<br>Telecom equipment for space (MPA, converter, switch&#8211;matrix,&#046;&#046;)<br>Earth observation/Science microwave instruments, receivers, front&#8211;ends,&#046;&#046;<br>Microwave technology for Navigation systems<br>Low&#8211;cost technologies for user&#8211;terminals<br>Modelling (linear, nonlinear, EM,&#046;&#046;) and characterisation/measurement techniques<br>Advanced manufacturing for microwave equipment<br>