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The 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES 2016) will be held in Cairo, Egypt during December 20&#8211;21, 2016&#046; ICCES provides a forum to exchange experiences and promote new trends in the field of computer engineering and systems&#046; ICCES stimulates scientific and controversial discussions, and encourages research and development from Egypt and around the world&#046; Best paper will be awarded at the closing session of the conference&#046; Authors are invited to submit papers on the following tracks but not limited to:<br>Computer Hardware Track:<br>&#8211; Computer Architecture<br>&#8211; Embedded Systems &amp; HW/SW Co&#8211;Design<br>&#8211; Power&#8211;aware Systems<br>&#8211; Reliability and Fault Tolerance<br>&#8211; Quantum Computing<br>&#8211; Network on Chip Architectures<br>&#8211; Computer Aided Design<br>&#8211; System&#8211;on&#8211;Chip<br>&#8211; Real time Systems<br>&#8211; Advances in Electronics for Computing<br>Computer Software Track:<br>&#8211; Multimedia and Web Applications<br>&#8211; Parallel Computing &amp; Algorithms<br>&#8211; Software Engineering<br>&#8211; Computer Applications<br>&#8211; Quantum Algorithms<br>&#8211; Social Networks and Applications<br>&#8211; Code Generation and Optimization<br>&#8211; Real time Software<br>&#8211; Soft Computing and AI techniques<br>Computer Networks &amp; Security Track:<br>&#8211; Parallel and Distributed Computing Networks<br>&#8211; Optical Wireless Communications &amp; Networks<br>&#8211; Cloud Computing &amp; Big Data Analytics<br>&#8211; Computer Networks and Security<br>&#8211; Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing<br>&#8211; Quantum Communication and Security<br>&#8211; Internet of Things (IOT)<br>&#8211; Ad&#8211;hoc and sensor networks<br>&#8211; Heterogeneous wireless networks<br>&#8211; Special industrial networks<br>&#8211; Green Computing<br>Systems &amp; DSP Track:<br>&#8211; Intelligent Control Systems<br>&#8211; Smart sensors and actuators<br>&#8211; Control Systems and Robotics<br>&#8211; Video, Speech and Audio Processing<br>&#8211; Modelling and Simulation<br>&#8211; Smart homes<br>&#8211; Biomedicine in Computing<br>&#8211; Nano and Quantum Systems<br>