At their heart, many critical systems and system infrastructures are<br>composed of real–time and embedded systems (RTES). For example, RTES<br>control our power grids, maintain our smart homes, steer our vehicles<br>or they host the software in road–side units that allow our vehicles<br>to drive more safely and more efficiently. For sure, they will open<br>the way to even more challenging applications, such as in autonomous<br>and cooperating vehicles, terrestrial or aerial.<br>However, most of these RTES are distributed or networked, which makes<br>them vulnerable both to accidental faults and targeted attacks and<br>advanced and persistent threats. Worse, compromise of a few nodes may<br>bring down the entire system, in particular if attacks persist.<br>The grand challenges brought in by these scenarios include ensuring<br>continuous unmaintained operation under faults and attacks. Systems<br>may possibly utilize easier to upgrade computation resources in mobile<br>phones or road side units whose trustworthiness needs to be<br>established while the RTES approaches these units. And while attackers<br>may try to compromise the RTES’ functionality or timing, we seek to<br>protect the integrity and timeliness of systems and the privacy of<br>their users. Mastering these challenges requires the expertise of<br>several research areas, and so, the goal of this workshop is to bring<br>together researchers and engineers from the security and<br>dependability, distributed systems and real–time communities, in order<br>to discuss and promote new and exciting research ideas and<br>initiatives, and to identify and discuss the challenges that lie ahead<br>for such critical applications.<br>CERTS’16 strives for an inclusive and diverse program and solicits<br>short and long technical papers on open problems, experiments, case<br>studies, new ideas, or future challenges. See<br> for a detailed description of contribution<br>formats.<br>SCOPE AND TOPICS OF INTEREST<br>CERTS’16 is open to all topics at the intersection of security and<br>dependability of embedded and real–time systems, with an emphasis on<br>criticality and distribution. As such, areas of interest include but<br>are not limited to the following topics:<br>* Security and dependability of cyber–physical and other real–time and<br>embedded systems,<br>* Vulnerabilities and protective measures of CPS infrastructure,<br>* Fault and intrusion tolerant distributed real–time systems,<br>* Confidentiality and privacy in real–time and embedded systems, and<br>* System architectures encompassing combinations of distribution,<br>security, dependability and timeliness.<br>Contribution formats include technical presentations of systems,<br>system models and architectures, methods, tools, protocols and<br>infrastructures to improve the dependability and security of real–time<br>systems but also open problems and future challenges papers and<br>experimental papers including experience reports and negative results.<br>
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