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The Conference will include invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations describing original work on the current state of research in collaboration technologies, collaboration systems, the Internet of things, people social networks and media, virtual worlds, services computing, social clouds, and related issues&#046; There will also be tutorial sessions, symposia, workshops, special sessions, demos, panels and forums, posters, doctoral dissertation colloquium, and exhibits&#046; Conference sponsorships are welcomed&#046;<br>During the conference, participants will see and interact with a broad spectrum of methodologies and technologies that relate to cooperation, coordination, communication, and collaboration at both the client and backend (cloud) levels&#046; This year’s conference targets a wide array of papers, posters, workshops, panels, demonstrations, exhibits, presentations, and tutorials addressing a broad range of topics including sensors, people, clouds, social networks and analysis, language and culture, multimedia and visualization, collaborative robots and human&#8211;robot interaction, autonomous connected vehicles, e&#8211;learning, e&#8211;business, e&#8211;health, emergency response, knowledge management, decision making and support, global collaboration grids, P2P, multi&#8211;agent systems, collective intelligence, crowd sourcing, trust and cyber security, mobile clients and wireless interactions, Web 2&#046;0 collaboration technologies, virtual environments, ubiquitous collaboration, wearable gadgets and tools, social innovation, user interfaces and related human and socio&#8211;technical collaboration issues, design and development&#046;<br>Topics include (but are not limited to):<br>Collaboration Systems Infrastructure, Tools and Technologies<br>Frameworks and Methodologies for Collaboration<br>Collaboration Enabling Technologies<br>Information Infrastructure for Collaboration<br>Tangible User Interfaces for Collaboration<br>Intelligent &amp; Autonomous Agents in Collaboration<br>Cluster&#8211;based Collaborative &amp; Distributed Systems<br>Collaboration and Cloud Computing<br>Collaborative Enterprise Security &amp; Access Control<br>Role&#8211;based, Privacy and IP Policies and Algorithms<br>Mobile and Wireless Collaboration Systems<br>Socio&#8211;Technical Information Spaces<br>Distributed Collaborative Trusted Sensor Systems<br>Soft Computing Solutions for Collaboration Systems<br>Information Exchange and Fusion in CE<br>Executable Models of Architectures<br>Architectures and Design of Collaboration Systems<br>Enterprise and CE Heterogeneity / Interoperability<br>Platforms for Collaboration<br>Tabletop, Surface, and Multi&#8211;touch Interaction<br>Multi Agent Systems in Collaboration<br>Grid&#8211;based Collaboration Environments<br>Service Oriented Architectures for Collaboration<br>Trusted and Reputation&#8211;based Collaboration<br>Management of Metadata for Collaboration<br>Web Infrastructure for Collaborative Applications<br>Electronic Artifacts and Notebooks<br>Data Mining &amp; Warehousing for Collaboration Technologies<br>Requirements Engineering in CE<br>Modeling and Simulation of Collaboration<br>Human Systems and Collaboration<br>Coordination and Cooperation Mechanisms<br>Group Characteristics and Social Factors in CE<br>Cultural Aspects &amp; Human Factors in Collaboration<br>Human&#8211;machine Collaborative Interaction<br>Social Multimedia and Networks<br>Awareness in Collaboration Systems<br>Collaborative Human&#8211;Centered Systems<br>Cognitive and Psychological Issues in Collaboration<br>Affective, Emotive &amp; Conative Aspects of Collaboration<br>Interfaces for Collaborative Work<br>Social Software Based Collaboration<br>Visualization of Collaborative Processes &amp; Applications<br>Collaboration Work and Processes<br>Work and Collaborative Virtual Worlds<br>Collaborative Conflict Management<br>Virtual and Remote Project Coordination<br>Distributed Team Management and Issues<br>Workflows in Collaborative Operations &amp; Systems<br>Collective Intelligence and Crowdsourcing<br>Empirical Investigations<br>Coordination, Cooperation and Collaboration<br>Ontologies and Ethnographic Approaches<br>Distributed Shared Design and Development<br>Designing Collaborative &amp; Virtual Organizations<br>Contextual and Situation&#8211;based Collaboration<br>Work across boundaries: Disciplines, Spatial, Temporal, Social<br>Collaboration Applications, Domains, and Emerging Trends and Technologies<br>Social Media Applications<br>Collaborative Knowledge Management<br>Collaborative Prototyping Environments<br>Collaborative Machines and Robots<br>Wearable Computing for Collaboration<br>Web&#8211; and Internet&#8211;enabled Collaboration<br>Gaming Applications and Game Engines<br>e&#8211; , Distance&#8211;, and Collaborative&#8211; Learning<br>Collaborative Applications in Financial Systems<br>Collaboration in Education and Sciences<br>Distributed Systems Engineering Environments<br>Collaborative and Virtual Simulation Environments<br>Collaborative Simulation for Distributed Mission Training<br>Machine to Machine Collaboration<br>Shared Virtual Reality and Applications<br>Collaborative Decision Making and Support<br>Collaboration Technologies in Industry and Businesses<br>Collaborative Autonomous Systems &amp; Vehicles<br>Collaborative (Global) Software Development<br>Collaboration and Shared Planning and Logistics<br>Sustainability, Energy&#8211;aware HCI and Collaboration<br>e&#8211;Business, e&#8211;Comm, e&#8211;Gov and Collaboration<br>Collaboration M&amp;S for Exercise Support and Gaming<br>Tele&#8211; and Collaborative Medicine and Healthcare<br>Collaboration in Emergency and Disaster Response<br>Collaborative Open Innovation<br>Collaborative Environments for Simulation Based Acquisition<br>