Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

Those who want to present paper in the conference must send the full length paper within 8 pages, written in English, prepared with MS&#8211;Word (New Times Roman, 12 font) in single column format to icmcti@uit&#046;buruniv&#046;ac&#046;in&#046; The paper must contain a self&#8211;explanatory title, full name of the authors, affiliations and e&#8211;mail addresses&#046; In case of multiple authors, please underline the presenting author&#046; Please mention ‘ICMCTI&#8211;2016 Submission’ as the subject of the email&#046; All the submitted full length papers will be peer reviewed and only a selected number of papers will be invited for presentation&#046;<br>Please note that one author can submit maximum two papers either one in single authorship and the other in multiple authorship or both in multiple authorship and he/she is entitled to present only one work&#046; More than one single authorship paper will not be entertained from any single individual&#046; Please also note that, in case of multiple authors only the presenter will get the presentation certificate&#046; Other author(s) if participate (s) will get only the participation certificate&#046; No joint presentation in any form will be allowed&#046;<br>Last date of receiving the full length paper is 16th September, 2016&#046; Notification of acceptance will be made by 30th September, 2016&#046;<br>Selected number of presented full length papers (after a peer review process) will be published in the Proceedings of ICMCTI&#8211;2016 under the banner of internationally reputed publishing house&#046; The corresponding announcement in this regard will be made in due course of time&#046;<br>