Sensors Applications Symposium provides a unique opportunity for researchers and developers to share progress in sensor technologies, methods, applications, standardization, and commercialization. General and Special Sessions offer forums where participants can exchange ideas and gain information on the sensor state of the art. A mix of plenary, poster, demonstration, plug–fests, a sensor development workshop, and other networking activities ensure that your work will be seen. Full paper submissions are encouraged – a full review process will be followed to ensure the high quality of those papers finally accepted and presented at the conference.<br>Topics include (but are not limited to):<br>+ Sensor Applications<br>– Assisted Living<br>– Biomedical and Biomedical Sensors<br>– Commercial Development<br>– Energy and the Smart Grid<br>– Energy Harvesting<br>– Industrial Applications<br>– Sensors for PicoSats and CubeSats<br>– Non–Destructive Evaluation and Remote Sensing<br>– Robots and Automation<br>– Smart Agriculture<br>– Smart Buildings<br>– Smart Cities and Transportation<br>+ Sensor Technologies and Methods<br>– MEMS and Nano–Sensors<br>– Novel Sensing Technologies<br>– Flexible and Wearable Sensors<br>– Memristive Sensors<br>– Big Data<br>– Visualization<br>– Sensor Data Fusion<br>– Sensor Networks<br>+ Sensor Standards and the IoT<br>– ISO/IEC/IEEE Standards (P21451 Family of Standards)<br>– Resource Development for the IoT<br>– Implementations of Standards within the IoT<br>– Scalable Architectures for the IoT<br>
United States
Deadline Paper
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