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<br><font color="#242424" size="3">ICICN 2017 will bring together top researchers from Asian Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of Information and Computer Networks&#046;<br>Authors are solicited to contribute to the special issue by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following tracks, but are not limited to:<br>Ad&#8211;hoc Networks<br>Antennas Simulation, Design, Measurements and Applications<br>Application of FPGA and DSP in Communication Devices and Networks<br>Broadband Access Control<br>Communication Protocols and Standards<br>Computer Networking<br>Data communications<br>Distributed networks<br>Hardware and Software Applications<br>Heterogeneous Networks<br>High Performance Network Protocol<br>Information Theory and Coding Theory<br>Information networks<br>Infrastructure Protection<br>Intelligent Spatial and Co&#8211;located Data Access and Management<br>Internet and Intranet Technologies and Services<br>Internet Applications<br>Internetworking<br>Interprocessor communications<br>Methodologies and development for high speed Network<br>Microwave (RF) System Simulations, Design, Build and Measurements<br>Mobile and Wireless Technologies (UWB, MIMO, WiMAX, etc&#046;) and Networks<br>Mobile Computing<br>Modulation, Coding and Multiple Access Schemes in Communications<br>Network and Data Security<br>Network Architecture<br>Network Interfaces<br>Network Management<br>Network Performance<br>Network protocols<br>Network Reliability<br>Network Operations<br>Network Protocols<br>Networking Theory and Technologies<br>Performance in High Speed Network<br>Quality Service Issues<br>Radio Wave Propagation (modeling, channel measurements and characterization)<br>Services and Interconnection of High Speed Networks<br>Signal Processing for Wireless Communications<br>Software Defined Radio<br>University&#8211;Industry Collaboration or Knowledge Transfer Activities<br>VoIP Blue tooth Technology<br>Wireless Access Control<br>Wireless Protocol, Architecture and Design Concerns<br>Wireless communication<br>Wireless sensor networks</font>