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<p>IMCIC 2017 is an international forum for scientists and engineers, researchers and consultants, theoreticians and practitioners in the fields of Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics&#046; IMCIC 2017 Organizing Committee will consider disciplinary research articles for their possible acceptance as well as multi&#8211;, inter&#8211;, and trans&#8211;disciplinary research, studies, reflections, programs, and projects&#046; </p> <p> Besides the regular formal sessions, where papers will be presented, IMCIC 2017 Organizing Committee is planning to include in the conference program <em>informal conversational sessions</em>, where conceptual and theoretical commonalities and differences among Complex Science, Cybernetics and Informatics will be discussed&#046; Examples of inputs to these informal conversational sessions are to discuss statements as the following ones: </p> <ul><li>"A key difference between current cybernetics and complexity theory is the use of different epistemology&#046; Complexity theorists use a realist epistemology and assume that complexity exists in an observed system, or perhaps in a computer model&#046; Cyberneticians use a constructivist epistemology and assume that the system of interest is defined by the observer&#046; Cyberneticians emphasize the regulatory nature of knowledge&#046; An observer constructs a representation of a system in order to be able to manage a system of interest&#046; Hence, cyberneticians assume that the task is to manage complexity through a circular process of interaction and interpretation&#046; In social systems observers both construct descriptions and participate in the operation of the social system using those descriptions&#046;" (Umpleby, 2008)</li><li> "Complexity Science and informatics are impacting every industry from manufacturing to biotechnology;" (Hoefler, 2002) </li><li> "Cybernetics and complexity science are based on the same principles;" (Michlmayr, 2007) and informatics and cybernetics have been increasingly related via computing, communications and control technologies&#046; </li><li> "The fact that these days we refer mostly to informatics rather than cybernetics has no more significance than talking about an airplane instead of an aircraft&#046; However, if we give these two words some thought, we will realize that this terminological identity underscores the function of cybernetics as the source discipline for informatics"&#046; (Ershov, 1959; quoted by Ya&#046; Fet, 2006) </li></ul>