The integration of artificial intelligence and robotic technologies has become a topic of increasing interest for both researchers and developers from academic fields and industries worldwide. It is foreseeable that artificial intelligence will be the main approach of the next generation of robotic research. The explosive number of artificial intelligence algorithms and increasing computational power of computers has significantly extended the number of potential applications for robotic technologies. It has also brought new challenges to the artificial intelligence community. The aim of this symposium is to provide a platform for young researchers to share up–to–date scientific achievements in this field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Multimedia:<br>–Audio Multimedia Learning<br>–Cross Multimedia Learning<br>–Cloud Multimedia Processing for Robotics<br>–Deep Learning for Robot Vision<br>–HPC GPU for Deep Learning<br>–Multimedia for Robot Manipulation<br>–Multimedia for Robot Control<br>–Multimedia for Robot Navigation<br>–Multimedia Fusion for Robotics<br>–Multimedia Communications for Robots<br>–Multimedia Compression for Robots<br>–Object Retrieval<br>–Theoretical Foundations of Multimedia Learning<br>–User Experience for Multimedia Systems<br>–Wireless Multimedia Robots<br>Computer Vision:<br>–Theoretical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision<br>–3D Scene Reconstruction<br>–RGB–D Vision<br>–Pattern Recognition and Machine Vision<br>–Computational Imaging<br>–Object Tracking<br>–Deep Learning for Computer Vision<br>–Big Data Analysis for Computer Vision<br>–Computer Vision for Ocean Observing<br>–Robot Calibration<br>–Vision–based Robotic Manipulation<br>Control:<br>–System Modeling and Simulation, Dynamics and Control<br>–Intelligent and Learning Control<br>–Robotics and Mechatronics<br>–Robust and Nonlinear Control<br>–Biomedical Systems and Control<br>
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