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A confluence of technological advances marks the advent of a new era&#046; World data volume is growing at an unprecedented pace, much of it from embedded devices&#046; Smart cities are expected to grow, fed by millions of data points from multitudes of human and physical sources&#046; Cyber&#8211;attacks grow more nefarious, bringing down physical systems&#046; Social networks are becoming ubiquitous, offering information on physical things&#046; The separation between cyber, physical, and social systems is blurring&#046; Collectively, these developments lead to the emergence of a new field, where the networking and physical realms meet&#046; It is the field of the Internet of Things (IoT)&#046; This conference is an interdisciplinary forum to discuss challenges, technologies, and emerging directions in system design and implementation that pertain to this Internet of Things&#046; This conference invites researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government, and accepts original, previously unpublished work on a range of topics related to the Internet of Things&#046;<br>Topics<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Analytic foundations and theory of the Internet of Things<br>Reliability, security, timeliness, and robustness in IoT systems<br>Novel protocols and network abstractions<br>Data streaming architectures<br>IoT&#8211;motivated cyber&#8211;physical and Industrial&#8211;Internet Systems<br>Novel quality requirements and their enforcement mechanisms<br>Cloud back&#8211;ends and resource management for IoT applications<br>Personal, wearable, and other embedded networked front&#8211;ends<br>Social computing and human&#8211;in&#8211;the&#8211;loop issues<br>IoT&#8211;based adaptive and self&#8211;* systems<br>Applications and drivers for the Internet of Things<br>Industrial deployment experiences, case studies, and lessons learned<br>Evaluation and testbeds<br>