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Cyber&#8211;physical Systems (CPS) are engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled, and integrated by a computing and communication core embedded in all types of objects and structures in the physical environment&#046; CPS has emerged as a unifying name for systems where the cyber parts, i&#046;e&#046;, the computing and communication parts, and the physical parts are tightly integrated, both at the design time and during operation&#046; Such systems use computations and communication deeply embedded in and interacting with physical processes to add new capabilities to physical systems&#046; Such systems must be operated safely, dependably, securely, efficiently and in real&#8211;time&#046; These cyber&#8211;physical systems include a wide range of applications, such as transportation, healthcare, automotive, energy, manufacturing, entertainment, consumer electronics, environmental monitoring, aerospace, robotics, etc&#046;, all of which will be essential pieces of our social infrastructure&#046; Therefore, advances in this field will have great technical, economic and societal impacts in the near future&#046; However, the vision of CPS faces some core challenges of multidisciplinary research, as their relevant technologies appear in diverse areas of science and engineering&#046; Therefore, there is an emerging consensus that new methodologies and tools need to be developed to support cyber&#8211;physical systems&#046;<br>Topics of Interest<br>We plan to include all the important topics related to CPS&#046; These topics include, but are not limited to:<br>Ubiquitous and pervasive computing for enhanced user interactions with CPS<br>Wearable cyber&#8211;physical systems and applications<br>Design automation and Tool Chains for CPS<br>Networking systems for CPS applications<br>Cloud computing and distributed systems to support scalability and complexity of CPS<br>Data analytics for CPS<br>Control of CPS<br>Security and privacy of CPS<br>Resilient and Robust System Design for CPS<br>Simulation and experimental prototypes of CPS<br>