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Robotic Computing (RC) addresses the synergetic interaction of computing technologies and robotic technologies&#046; The synergy between Robotics and Computer Science is both realistic and strategic&#046; Their mutual benefit is to make it possible to build and evolve new robotic systems, to reduce their development cost, and to enhance their quality&#046;<br>The First IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing is inviting high quality research papers addressing the synergies between Computer Science and Robotics in all applications&#046;<br>Topics related to Computer Science<br>&#8211; Formal methods for analysis and design<br>&#8211; Software architectures<br>&#8211; Middleware infrastructures<br>&#8211; Model&#8211;driven engineering<br>&#8211; Component&#8211;based engineering<br>&#8211; Software product line engineering<br>&#8211; Data, ontology, and knowledge engineering<br>&#8211; Autonomic computing<br>&#8211; Natural language understanding<br>&#8211; Service oriented computing<br>&#8211; Cloud computing<br>&#8211; Semantic computing<br>&#8211; Multimedia computing<br>&#8211; Internet of Things<br>&#8211; Virtual reality<br>&#8211; Computer security<br>&#8211; Software development<br>&#8211; Software fault tools and analysis<br>Topics related to Robotics<br>&#8211; RAMS abilities of robotic systems<br>&#8211; Hardware modeling and abstraction<br>&#8211; Resource awareness<br>&#8211; Sensor fusion, integration<br>&#8211; Place recognition, localization<br>&#8211; Object recognition, tracking<br>&#8211; Scene interpretation<br>&#8211; Robot cognition<br>&#8211; Manipulation, grasping<br>&#8211; Robot kinematics, dynamics<br>&#8211; Motion planning, control<br>&#8211; Navigation<br>&#8211; Task planning, monitoring<br>&#8211; Human&#8211;Robot interaction<br>&#8211; Robot simulation<br>&#8211; Multi&#8211;robot systems<br>The Conference is also inviting innovative contributions that discuss the future of the field including, but not limited to:<br>&#8211; What are the challenges to robotic computing?<br>&#8211; What are the main unresolved theoretical and/or methodological controversies?<br>&#8211; What are the stakeholders’ (e&#046;g&#046;, industries, public bodies, educators) research and development problems?<br>&#8211; What can be learned from other disciplines and what can they learn from robotic computing?<br>&#8211; What is the real world experience of Robotic Computing over the past 10 years, and how might it continue to evolve as we look toward the next decade?<br>