The 12th European Computer Science Summit, ECSS 2016, is the meeting place for anyone interested in issues of research, education, and policy in Information and Computer Sciences. It is a unique opportunity to meet some of the leading decision makers in Informatics research and education, and discuss the critical issues of the discipline.<br>ECSS 2016 will be held in Budapest, Hungary, October 24–26, 2016, hosted by the Faculty of Informatics – Eötvös Loránd University. The Summit is co–chaired by Lynda Hardman, President of Informatics Europe, and Zoltán Horváth, Dean of Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University. The program chairs are Gregor Engels, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University, Germany and László Monostori, MTA SZTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and ERCIM.<br>The Summit is devoted to important and timely strategic issues and trends regarding all aspects of Informatics: education, research, funding, entrepreneurship, management, career development, and policies. ECSS 2016 brings together key constituencies:<br>Heads (deans, chairs) of Informatics/Computer Science/IT departments (schools, faculties, institutes) in universities<br>Research directors and managers of research centers, institutes and laboratories, both in public institutions and in industry<br>Faculty and researchers from both academia and industry<br>Members of funding agencies and government at the European, national, regional, and local level.<br>Experts, advisors and thinkers in numerous key topics like ethics, the relation between Informatics and other sciences, the future of the discipline and its influence in the academic world and society.<br>The central topic of the 2016 Summit is "Informatics Driving the Digital World”.<br>All over the world, efforts are going on toward the digitization of all aspects of living and working in a modern society. The world becomes digital! People communicate over social digital media, economic and political decisions are based on analyzing digital data, mobility is supported by digital devices, manufacturing is based on cyber–physical systems, health systems are using globally interconnected knowledge bases. In all cases, informatics and information technology is at the core. None of these application areas would make progress without newest insights in theory and practice of informatics.<br>Thus, stakeholders in all areas expect that systems become safer, more complex, more affordable, and easier accessible. This opens a rare and remarkable opportunity for Informatics as a science and an application field to leverage its in–depth knowledge to both advance theory and influence practice and policy. Although already existing informatics technologies have tremendous potential to drive the digital world, significant challenges need to be overcome to fully realize this potential.<br>ECSS 2016 will focus on these challenges for the Informatics discipline to drive the digital word. Renowned speakers from academia, economy, and politics will address this topic and present their view on the role of Informatics in driving the digital word.<br>
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