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ParCo2017 is a continuation of the international conference on parallel<br>computing and HPC started in 1983&#046; Since their inception the ParCo<br>conferences stimulated the development and application of parallel<br>computers on a world&#8211;wide scale&#046;<br>The conference aims to give participants multiple opportunities to meet<br>and interact with fellow researchers&#046; The high scientific standard of<br>the conference presentations and the refereed proceedings are a<br>hall&#8211;mark of ParCo&#046;<br>AIMS AND SCOPE<br>==============<br>The conference will give an overview of the state of the art of the<br>developments, applications and future trends in parallel computing for<br>both HPC and DIC (Data Intensive Computing)&#046; This encompasses all<br>platforms, from IoT (Internet of Things) and Robotics to HPC systems,<br>Clouds, Neuro and Quantum Computing&#046;<br>The conference addresses all aspects of parallel computing, including<br>applications, hardware and software technologies as well as languages<br>and development environments&#046;<br>TOPIC AREAS<br>Section 1: Architectures<br>New concepts for parallel computing architectures for all levels of<br>parallelism, including:<br>* Multicore and manycore systems<br>* Heterogeneous systems<br>* Accelerators, including GPUs, FPGAs<br>* High performance systems, including Peta&#8211; and Exascale<br>* Architectures for handling large data sets and DIC (Data Intensive<br>Computing), including high speed storage systems<br>* Interconnection networks<br>* Performance evaluation<br>* Energy saving designs<br>* Brain Inspired Systems, including neurocomputing<br>* Quantum Computers&#046;<br>Section 2: Software<br>Software for parallel computing platforms, including<br>* Operating systems and middleware for all types of parallel architectures<br>* Software engineering methodologies, methods and tools for developing<br>and maintaining parallel software,<br>* Parallel programming languages, compilers, libraries and environments<br>* Testing and debugging techniques and tools<br>* Best practices of parallel computing on multicore, manycore and stream<br>processors&#046;<br>Section 3: Algorithms<br>Design, analysis, and implementation of parallel algorithms for all<br>application areas, emphasising the parallel computing aspects and<br>focusing on issues such as:<br>* Scalability and speedup<br>* Efficient utilization of the memory hierarchy<br>* Communication and synchronization<br>* Data Management&#046;<br>Section 4: Applications<br>The application of parallel computing to solve all types of business,<br>industrial, scientific and engineering problems using high&#8211;performance<br>computing technologies, in particular:<br>* Astronomy and Space<br>* Health Science and Care<br>* Geo&#8211; and Environmental Sciences<br>* Material Science<br>* Exploration and Optimal use of Resources<br>* Manufacturing<br>* Data intensive (Big Data) analytics and applications<br>* Economic and Financial modelling<br>* Learning Systems (Deep Learning) and AI<br>* Robotics<br>* Automonous Transport Systems, incl&#046; Self Driving Vehicles<br>* Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR)&#046;<br>