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2017 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (ICMSNT 2017) is technical sponsored by Swinburne University of Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University and Auckland University of Technology(AUT)&#046; The conference will be held in Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand, from April 20&#8211;22, 2017&#046;<br>ICMSNT 2016 was successfully held in Seoul University&#046; ICMSNT 2017 is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Materials Science and Nanotechnology&#046; The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world&#046; We warmly welcome prospected authors submit your new research papers to ICMSNT 2017, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world&#046;<br>Topics (for more topics: http://www&#046;icmsnt&#046;org/author&#046;html)<br>Materials Science:<br>Energy and Environment Materials<br>Structural Materials<br>Functional Materials<br>Nano&#8211;scale and Amorphous Materials<br>Materials Processing and Genomic Engineering<br>Biomaterials and Healthcare<br>Nanotechnology:<br>Multiscale Modeling and Simulation<br>Nanobiology<br>Nanocircuits and Nanoarchitectures<br>NEMS/MEMS<br>Nanoelectronics<br>Nanoenergy