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A special focus of AHS&#8211;2017 is adaptation in robotic systems and unmanned vehicles&#046; The broader area in which contributions are sought includes (but is not limited to)&#046;<br>We seek original contributions suggested, but not limited, to the following areas of interest:<br>1) Adaptive hardware, e&#046;g&#046;,<br>Reconfigurable and adaptive computing systems, field programmable systems<br>Adaptive electronics and telecommunications<br>Adaptive structures<br>Reconfigurable and adaptive mechanical systems and mechanisms<br>Adaptive and reconfigurable robotic systems and multi&#8211;robot teams<br>2) Algorithms for adaptation, e&#046;g&#046;,<br>Algorithms for learning and evolution<br>General algorithms for search and optimization<br>Algorithms for multi&#8211;agent coordination and adaptation in multi&#8211;agent systems<br>Fault tolerant algorithms<br>Algorithms for survivability in extreme environments<br>Real&#8211;time, embedded implementations<br>3) Design methodologies for adaptive systems, e&#046;g&#046;,<br>Computer&#8211;aided design tools and algorithms for adaptive systems<br>Performance, cost, power, and reliability strategies<br>Formal methods for adaptive systems<br>Algorithms for tensegrity structures<br>4) Adaptation in robotics and unmanned systems, e&#046;g&#046;,<br>Software/hardware architectures for robots and unmanned autonomous vehicles<br>Adaptive and intelligent sensor systems, adaptive perception<br>Adaptive guidance navigation and control<br>Adaptive power systems<br>Adaptive controls<br>Adaptive communication and adaptive interfaces<br>Reconfigurable robots, transformers, multi&#8211;functional robotic systems<br>Adaptation to human habitats and human environments<br>5) Human&#8211;oriented adaptive systems<br>Adaptive human&#8211;machine interaction and interfaces<br>Adaptive prosthetics and wearable hardware<br>Adaptation to space environments and long&#8211;duration flight<br>Adaptation to Moon and Mars surface operations<br>Space biology, healthcare and medicine<br>6) Applications of adaptive systems, e&#046;g&#046;,<br>Space missions and systems<br>Space&#8211;oriented biology and medicine<br>Space scientific exploration<br>Human missions and space colonization<br>Planetary and space defense systems<br>Space economy, economics of space systems<br>Space transportation<br>In&#8211;situ resource utilization in space<br>Public&#8211;private partnership in space<br>