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The International Design and Test Symposium is an IEEE technically co&#8211;sponsored event devoted to exploring emerging challenges and new concepts related to the design, test, automation, and reliability of electronic systems ranging from integrated circuits through multi&#8211;chip modules and printed circuit boards to full systems&#046; IDT is a unique forum to discuss best practices and novel ideas in design methods, tools, test, and reliability held in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region&#046; The Symposium is initiating in affiliation with the IEEE TTTC (Test Technology Technical Council) and the 2016 edition is organized and sponsored by CES Laboratory and the University of Sfax&#046; It is also technically co&#8211;sponsored by IEEE CEDA (Council on Electronic Design Automation)&#046; The official language of the conference is English&#046;<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Design Methods and Tools<br>IP and SOC Design<br>Multiprocessor/Multi&#8211;core Systems<br>Embedded Systems<br>DFX<br>Analog, Mixed Signal and RF Design<br>High Speed Circuits Design<br>Design of MEMS and MOEMS<br>Low Voltage and Low Power systems<br>Innovative Technologies<br>IoT design<br>Simulation, Validation &amp; Verification<br>System Specification and Modeling<br>Formal Methods and Verification<br>System Design/Synthesis/Optimization<br>Test and Reliability<br>Yield Optimization<br>IP and SOC Testing<br>Multiprocessor/Multi&#8211;Core Systems Test<br>Memory &amp; FPGA Test &amp; Repair<br>automotive reliability &amp; test<br>High Speed, Analog, Mixed Signal &amp; RF Testing<br>MEMS/MOEMS Testing<br>Defect and Fault Modeling<br>DFT, BIST and BISR<br>On&#8211;line Testing / Fault Tolerance<br>Fault Simulation, ATPG<br>Reliability Failures/ Modeling<br>Circuit Reliability<br>Electronic System Reliability<br>