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The 49th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2017), sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT), will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada&#046; This year, STOC will be part of Theory Fest, an expanded program of invited talks, tutorials, poster sessions, and workshops from Monday, June 19 to Friday, June 23, 2017&#046; Papers presenting new and original research on the theory of computation are sought&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, randomness in computing, algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics, approximation algorithms, cryptography, computational learning theory, economics and computation, parallel and distributed algorithms, quantum computing, algorithmic coding theory, computational geometry, computational applications of logic, optimization, algebraic algorithms, and theoretical aspects of areas such as networks, privacy, computational biology, and databases&#046; Papers that extend the reach of the theory of computing, or raise important problems that can benefit from theoretical investigation and analysis, are encouraged&#046; The program committee will make every effort to consider a broad range of areas&#046;<br>