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Modern Big Data increasingly appears in the form of complex graphs and networks&#046;<br>Examples include the physical Internet, the world wide web, online social networks,<br>phone networks, and biological networks&#046; In addition to their massive sizes, these<br>graphs are dynamic, noisy, and sometimes transient&#046; They also conform to all five Vs<br>(Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value and Veracity) that define Big Data&#046; However, many<br>graph&#8211;related problems are computationally difficult, and thus big graph data brings<br>unique challenges, as well as numerous opportunities for researchers, to solve various<br>problems that are significant to our communities&#046; This workshop aims to bring together<br>researchers from different paradigms solving big graph problems under a unified<br>platform for sharing their work and exchanging ideas&#046; We are soliciting novel and<br>original research contributions related to big graph data management, analysis, and<br>mining (algorithms, software systems, applications, best practices, performance)&#046;<br>Significant work&#8211;in&#8211;progress papers are also encouraged&#046; Papers can be from any of<br>the following areas, including but not limited to:<br>* Parallel algorithms for big graph analysis on HPC systems<br>* Heterogeneous CPU&#8211;GPU solutions to solve big graph problems<br>* Extreme&#8211;scale computing for large graph, tensor, and network problems<br>* Sampling and summarization of large graphs<br>* Graph algorithms for large&#8211;scale scientific computing problems<br>* Graph clustering, partitioning, and classification methods<br>* Scalable graph topology measurement: diameter approximation, eigenvalues,<br>triangle and graphlet counting<br>* Parallel algorithms for computing graph kernels<br>* Inference on large graph data<br>* Graph evolution and dynamic graph models<br>* Graph streams<br>* Graph databases, novel querying and indexing strategies for RDF data<br>* Novel applications of big graph problems in bioinformatics, health care,<br>security, and social networks<br>* New software systems and runtime systems for big graph data mining<br>