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Workshop seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions to securing CPS&#046; Submissions may represent any application area for CPS&#046; Hence, papers that are pertinent to the security of embedded systems, Internet of Things, SCADA Systems, Water Systems, Smart&#8211;Grid Systems, Critical Infrastructure Networks, Transportation Systems, Medical Devices etc&#046;, are welcome&#046;<br>Example topics of interest are given below, but are not limited to:<br>Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) security<br>Authentication mechanisms for CPS Hardware<br>Embedded systems security<br>Design for Security (DfS) of CPS Devices<br>Security analysis and protection of Internet of Things (IoT)<br>Forensics for CPS<br>Intrusion detection for CPS<br>Hardware Trojan attacks and detection techniques<br>Hardware&#8211;based security primitives (PUFs, RNGs,<br>Aging Sensors) for CPS<br>Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS<br>Security of biomedical systems, e&#8211;health, and medicine<br>Threat models for CPS<br>Physical layer security for CPS<br>Hardware IP trust (watermarking, fingerprinting,<br>trust verification)<br>Secure and efficient hardware implementation of<br>cryptographic algorithms<br>Vulnerability analysis of CPS<br>Hardware tampering attacks and protection<br>Hardware obfuscation, encryption and metering<br>Hardware techniques that ensure software,<br>firmware and system security<br>Security vs&#046; Reliability, Security vs&#046; Energyefficiency<br>Tradeoffs<br>Automotive systems security<br>Security of industrial control systems<br>Security of IoT<br>