Workshop seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions to securing CPS. Submissions may represent any application area for CPS. Hence, papers that are pertinent to the security of embedded systems, Internet of Things, SCADA Systems, Water Systems, Smart–Grid Systems, Critical Infrastructure Networks, Transportation Systems, Medical Devices etc., are welcome.<br>Example topics of interest are given below, but are not limited to:<br>Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) security<br>Authentication mechanisms for CPS Hardware<br>Embedded systems security<br>Design for Security (DfS) of CPS Devices<br>Security analysis and protection of Internet of Things (IoT)<br>Forensics for CPS<br>Intrusion detection for CPS<br>Hardware Trojan attacks and detection techniques<br>Hardware–based security primitives (PUFs, RNGs,<br>Aging Sensors) for CPS<br>Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS<br>Security of biomedical systems, e–health, and medicine<br>Threat models for CPS<br>Physical layer security for CPS<br>Hardware IP trust (watermarking, fingerprinting,<br>trust verification)<br>Secure and efficient hardware implementation of<br>cryptographic algorithms<br>Vulnerability analysis of CPS<br>Hardware tampering attacks and protection<br>Hardware obfuscation, encryption and metering<br>Hardware techniques that ensure software,<br>firmware and system security<br>Security vs. Reliability, Security vs. Energyefficiency<br>Tradeoffs<br>Automotive systems security<br>Security of industrial control systems<br>Security of IoT<br>
Deadline Paper
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