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IEEE CIT has become a major platform for researchers and industry practitioners from different fields of computer and information technology&#046; Each year, CIT attendees appreciate and benefit from multidisciplinary exchanges in computer and information technology&#046; In previous years, CIT has attracted many high quality research papers spanning over the various aspects of information technology, computing science and computer engineering&#046; These papers highlight foundational work that strives to push beyond limits of existing computer technologies, including experimental efforts, innovative systems, and investigations that identify weaknesses in existing IT services&#046;<br>IEEE CIT2017 will be held on August 21&#8211;23, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland&#046; The goal of IEEE CIT2017 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work&#8211;in&#8211;process on all aspects of computer and information technology&#046; The IEEE CIT2017 topics include but are not limited to the following, and the detailed information can be found in CIT2017 website (https://research&#046;comnet&#046;aalto&#046;fi/CIT2017/)<br>&#8211; Information Technology<br>&#8211; Computer Science<br>&#8211; Signal Processing<br>&#8211; Networking and Internet of Things<br>&#8211; Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust<br>&#8211; Applications, Business and Social Issues<br>&#8211; Database and Data Management<br>&#8211; Microwave and radar<br>&#8211; System Software and Software Engineering<br>&#8211; Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence<br>&#8211; Information Technology for Biomedicine<br>&#8211; Wireless Communications<br>&#8211; Mobile Multimedia Communications<br>