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Computational Collective Intelligence is most often understood as an AI<br>subfield dealing with soft computing methods which enable making group<br>decisions or processing knowledge among autonomous units acting in<br>distributed environments&#046; Web&#8211;based systems, social networks and<br>multi&#8211;agent systems very often need these tools for working out consistent<br>knowledge states, resolving conflicts and making decisions&#046; ICCCI 2017 is<br>the 9th edition of the conference organized by the University of Cyprus and<br>Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in Poland, in cooperation with<br>the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence&#046;<br>The aim of the conference is to provide an internationally respected forum<br>for scientific research in the computer&#8211;based methods of collective<br>intelligence and their applications in (but not limited to) such fields as<br>group decision making, consensus computing, knowledge integration,<br>semantic web, social networks and multi&#8211;agent systems&#046;<br>Instructions to Authors<br>Prospective authors of papers are invited to submit contributions for<br>presentations at ICCCI 2017&#046; The submissions should present the results<br>of original research or innovative practical applications relevant to the<br>conference topics&#046; Practical experiences with state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art in CCI<br>methodologies are also acceptable to reflect lessons of unique value for<br>the conference attendees&#046; Contributions should be original and not<br>published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review process&#046;<br>The conference language is English&#046;<br>The conference proceedings of ICCCI 2017 will be published in the<br>prestigious Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series by Springer and<br>indexed by ISI(CPCI&#8211;S), Web of Science, EI, Scopus, DBLP, ACM Digital<br>Library&#046; All submissions should follow the LNCS/LNAI style and not<br>exceed 10 pages&#046; At least one full registration is required for each<br>accepted paper in order to be included in the ICCCI 2017 proceedings&#046;<br>Each paper is to be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through<br>EasyChair at https://easychair&#046;org/conferences/?conf=iccci2017 &#046;<br>To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the ICCCI<br>2017 International Program Committee&#046; Referees will be asked to nominate<br>papers for a Best Paper award to be announced at the conference&#046;<br>All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must<br>register for the conference and pay the author registration fee&#046;<br>A selected number of accepted and personally presented papers, will be<br>expanded and revised for possible inclusion in special issues of high<br>quality scientific journals&#046;<br>Topics of Interest<br>We welcome all submissions in the subjects of CCI related (but not limited)<br>to the following topics:<br>&#8211; Agent Theory and Application<br>&#8211; Automated Reasoning<br>&#8211; Cognitive Modeling of Agent Systems<br>&#8211; Collective Intelligence<br>&#8211; Collective Processing<br>&#8211; Computational Biology<br>&#8211; Computer Vision<br>&#8211; Computational Intelligence<br>&#8211; Computational Security<br>&#8211; Consensus Computing<br>&#8211; Cooperative Systems and Control<br>&#8211; Cybernetics for Informatics<br>&#8211; Data Integration<br>&#8211; Data Mining for Social Networks<br>&#8211; Distributed Intelligence<br>&#8211; Evolutionary computing<br>&#8211; Fuzzy Systems<br>&#8211; Geographic Information Systems<br>&#8211; Grey Theory<br>&#8211; Group Decision Making<br>&#8211; Hybrid Systems<br>&#8211; Information Retrieval and Integration<br>&#8211; Information Hiding<br>&#8211; Intelligent Architectures<br>&#8211; Intelligent Applications<br>&#8211; Intelligent Buildings<br>&#8211; Intelligent Control<br>&#8211; Intelligent E&#8211;learning/Tutoring<br>&#8211; Intelligent Image Processing<br>&#8211; Intelligent Networks<br>&#8211; Intelligent Transportation Systems<br>&#8211; Knowledge Integration<br>&#8211; Knowledge Representation<br>&#8211; Knowledge&#8211;Based Systems<br>&#8211; Logic in Intelligence<br>&#8211; Machine Learning<br>&#8211; Mobile Intelligence<br>&#8211; Multicriteria Decision Making<br>&#8211; Natural Language Processing<br>&#8211; Optimization and Swarm Intelligence<br>&#8211; Pattern Recognition<br>&#8211; Probabilistic and Uncertain Reasoning<br>&#8211; Rough Sets<br>&#8211; Semantic Web<br>&#8211; Smart Living Technology<br>&#8211; Smart Sensor Networks<br>&#8211; Soft Computing<br>&#8211; Social Networks<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous Computing<br>&#8211; Web Intelligence and Interaction<br>